.ORG problems this evening

Bill, I know you know better, so let's try more facts and less
FUD. Mmmmkay? Your above paragraph is a red herring that is
analogous to saying "all multihomed services must be run on the
router itself".

  yes, it does lean that way... but to expose a sigma-six
  blip in how some people may think about anycasting techniques.

Here's the deal: DNS server runs a BGP/OSPF/whatever speaker.

  One model. ISC is enamored of this model. I'm not.

You won't find a turnkey RPM to do it, but that doesn't mean it's
impossible. In fact, if you slow down and read previous posts,
you'll note some very big hints re how to build such a working
system. If you're limited to installing out-of-the-box packages,
you _will_ have a huge mess... but that's not my problem.

  Nope, it can even be done w/ COTS technologies.
  Been there, Done that. Ate the cheese as fondue.

> This has impact on the design of anycast solutions.
> Ultra has one model, ISC has another, and PCH uses
> a third. The more generic content crowd has its favorites.
> Then there are the "load-balancing" vendors who
> cater to these folks. One size does not fit all.

Okay, I'll give you credit for that paragraph.

  thanks. we now return you to your worst-design
  show&tell. (my fav today.... optical connectors!)



Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2003 11:36:37 -0700 (PDT)
From: bmanning

> Bill, I know you know better, so let's try more facts and less
> FUD. Mmmmkay? Your above paragraph is a red herring that is
> analogous to saying "all multihomed services must be run on the
> router itself".

  yes, it does lean that way... but to expose a sigma-six
  blip in how some people may think about anycasting techniques.

Regardless of the technology, one can _always_ create a stupid
way of doing things. With any luck, however, a _good_ way
exists, too.

> Here's the deal: DNS server runs a BGP/OSPF/whatever speaker.

  One model. ISC is enamored of this model. I'm not.

Yes, one model. Skimming the ISC paper, I also have mixed
feelings about some sections. The basic principle, however,
boils down to getting traffic to the "right" place based on
factors such as reachability and correctness.

  Nope, it can even be done w/ COTS technologies.

Noted. I suppose some implementations may indeed be turnkey...
just that we've never seen the One True Tarball for the way we
like to do it. My fault for overgeneralizing.
