.org dns trouble?


Sorry if there's another list for this, but Im observing a strange problem with a .org domain. Right now when I query dns, I am getting only a SOA for '.org' which looks like this:

dig -t ns somedomain.org

; <<>> DiG 9.8.4-rpz2+rl005.12-P1 <<>> -t ns somedomain.org
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NXDOMAIN, id: 38840
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 1, ADDITIONAL: 0

;somedomain.org. IN NS

org. 899 IN SOA a0.org.afilias-nst.info. noc.afilias-nst.info. 2010937269 1800 900 604800 86400

;; Query time: 51 msec
;; SERVER: x.x.x.x#53(y.y.y.y)
;; WHEN: Thu Mar 13 11:00:56 2014
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 99

When I do a +trace, I get a list of the authoratative servers for .org but Im manually polled them none of them know the NS for my domain.

The domain doesn't expire till next year according to whois, although it does say

Creation Date: 2009-06-22T22:56:30Z
Updated Date: 2014-03-12T15:33:33Z
Registry Expiry Date: 2015-06-22T22:56:30Z

The registered nameservers for it are correct. Wondering if anyone else has a clue? The registrar is tucows...


time travel, they haz it.

Your example query is only checking your local recursive server, which could be suffering from any number of problems. The org zone definitely has your domain in it:

$ for host in a0 a2 b0 b2 c0 d0; do echo ${host}; dig +norec +noall +authority IN NS somedomain.org @${host}.org.afilias-nst.info; done
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1019.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1020.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1019.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1020.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1020.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1019.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1019.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1020.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1020.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1019.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1020.hostgator.com.
somedomain.org. 86400 IN NS ns1019.hostgator.com.

Problem identified. My domain is on hold... ugh, my eyes are tired, thanks to those who were able to help me (in email).

Also my information hiding was a bit weak, I should have used 'example.org' to make it clear I was deleting the real info.

Thanks all.


example.org is real domain too, although that one is held by IANA.

% dig +short IN NS example.org

Anonymizing DNS questions about specific problems, generally speaking, makes it very difficult for anyone to help you effectively.