Oracle buys... Dyn.

Happy Monday.

This seems to me to be equivalent (and bad for the same reasons) to cable
companies and/or ISPs being co-owned with program providers.

How will this affect *your* operations planning, if at all? Am I being
overly cynical about Larry Ellison? :slight_smile:
-- jra

Don't blame ya I'm a little negative on this one too as I can already "assume" specialized DNS integration with oracle products among possibly ?oracle cloud? Structures spawning up for competition with AWS, Azure ... others but these are just speculations.

I chuckled at "In September, after the release of Oracle's second-generation
Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) datacenters, Oracle CTO Larry Ellison
proclaimed that "Amazon's lead is over" in the cloud market."


Don't blame ya I'm a little negative on this one too as I can already

"assume" specialized DNS integration with oracle products among possibly
?oracle cloud? Structures spawning up for competition with AWS, Azure ...
others but these are just speculations.


Jason Hellenthal,
Systems & Network Admin,
Mobile: 0x9CA0BD58,

Happy Monday.

This seems to me to be equivalent (and bad for the same reasons) to cable

companies and/or ISPs being co-owned with program providers.


How will this affect *your* operations planning, if at all? Am I being

overly cynical about Larry Ellison? :slight_smile:


\-- jra


Jay R. Ashworth Baylink
Designer The Things I Think RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates <> 2000 Land Rover DII
St Petersburg FL USA BCP38: Ask For It By Name! +1 727 647 1274

Route53 just uses Dyn and Ultra. I would expect AWS to roll out their own

Lets just hope so, or Id think that the there will eventually be a price hike by AWS to compensate for Oracle’s outrageous costs.

But again only speculation at this point.

Oracle has exhibition booths at most web hosting events in Europe. They get very little traffic. Am skeptical they can be a player.

- R.

This is completely false.


Yes false. Amazon do use dyn + others for their own domains in addition to
their own Route 53 but Route 53 itself is a completely separate service.

Kind Regards

Lee Fuller (mobile)
PGP: 4F58 D91E 3886 2AAA 26F5 17BD FA12 7914 8308 45D0

Yeah NOT route53. is split Route 53/ultra - given resolver retry behavior
and the impact of screwing up DNS, there's little reason not to use
multiple providers on such a domain. However, most subdomains will
delegate to R53 only (eg. dig +trace

None of this is related to Route 53 as a service.
