operational problems at mae-west?

is anyone aware of problems at mae-west? i've not seen anything on
the mailing list but the following peers are getting reset every
15-30 minutes on my border router there: 4 4553 5640 35253 1009761 0 0 04:38:02 4 4553 6222 35267 1009761 0 0 02:37:47 4 1740 4957 35247 1009761 0 0 02:36:57 4 2041 3330 35168 1009761 0 0 00:09:51 4 1239 83187 35106 1009761 1 0 00:09:51 4 3561 46357 35154 1009761 5 0 00:09:51

The three mentioned are, respectively, CRL, Sprint, and MCI. Having
those three drop would certainly cause a few problems. :slight_smile:

Likewise on my router, I show a group of about 5 peers that have reset
within the last 90 minutes so something seems to have happaned but I
couldn't say what..
