OpenTransit (france telecom) depeers cogent

OpenTransit just depeered Cogent.

Currently OT sees Cogent behind Sprint/Verio:
AS path: 5511 1239 2914 174 13129 I

but packets are disapearing in a blackhole.


So what makes you think they depeered and its not just a temporary outage
or configuration error?


i've got an (inofficial, hence i wont pass it) statement from Cogent
about the situation.


Cogent filters all their peers' routes (or the major peers at
least) so when they depeer those are pretty much blackholed
from Cogent's view. Like Teleglobe lately.


OpenTransit just depeered Cogent.

Currently OT sees Cogent behind Sprint/Verio:
AS path: 5511 1239 2914 174 13129 I

but packets are disapearing in a blackhole.

A colleague of mine at an OLO was telling me
that when OT de-peered them the contact number
to discuss it was a France Telecom sales person!

Its kind of like an tyre fitter from kwik fit
coming over and puncturing your tyres and then
expecting you to drive into Kwik Fit and pay
them to fix them uuhhh I don't think so -
do they honestly think that this type of activity
is going to generate them any revenue?!


So what makes you think they depeered and its not just a
temporary outage or configuration error?

You've never dealt with opentransit then ? :smiley:

william(at) wrote:

>> OpenTransit just depeered Cogent.
>> Currently OT sees Cogent behind Sprint/Verio: AS path: 5511 1239
>> 2914 174 13129 I
>> but packets are disapearing in a blackhole.
> So what makes you think they depeered and its not just a temporary
> outage or configuration error?

In fact, we just discussed today during lunch that some carriers in
Germany are about to depeer Cogent for business reasons.


It has nothing to do with generating revenue, and everything to do with
Cogent's disruptive pricing pissing people off. The real question is who
will blink first, since the last time this was tried (a few weeks ago, by
Teleglobe), Cogent won.

For the folks trying this, I have one word of advice:

  Collusion \Col*lu"sion\, n. [L. collusio: cf. F. collusion. See
     1. A secret agreement and cooperation for a fraudulent or
        deceitful purpose; a playing into each other's hands;
        deceit; fraud; cunning.

It has nothing to do with generating revenue, and everything
to do with Cogent's disruptive pricing pissing people off.

Given other examples of this with OT that I have experience with
I don't believe this is the case. Perhaps with Teleglobe
but certainly not with OT.
