Open nominations for Program Committee members

There are currently three vacant positions on the NANOG Program
Committee. According to the draft charter[1]:

   "... the three Program Committee seats vacant as of May 2005
   will be filled through appointment by the current committee
   after an open nomination process."

Accordingly, the committee is soliciting nominations for these open
positions, from now through Friday, June 10, 2005.

** Procedure **

To nominate yourself or someone else, please send mail to with the following information, no later than
Friday, June 10:

- Your name
- Nominee's name (if not you)
- Nominee's email address
- Nominee's phone number
- Reasons why you believe the nominee is qualified to serve
   on the Program Committee.

A committee member will contact each of the nominees to verify
interest and possibly request additional information.

Once all nominations have been received, the committee will
begin selecting the three new members from among the nominees.
The results will be announced to the nanog-announce list.

** Eligibility **

The draft charter states:

   "To be eligible to be appointed as a member of the Program
   Committee, an individual must have attended one NANOG meeting
   within the prior calendar year (12 months). "

** Duties **

Again quoting the draft charter:

   "The Program Committee is responsible for motivating/soliciting
   people to submit interesting talks, selecting the submissions which
   seem most appropriate (with some attention to presentation skills),
   and following up with speakers after acceptances to ensure that
   presentations are completed in time, with ample warning of potential
   problems with the presentation."

   "Each member of the Program Committee must review all presentations
   submitted for each meeting. The Chair may excuse a member from
   one meeting's review cycle due to extenuating circumstances, but
   if a member misses two meetings in a row, he or she may be removed
   from the committee."

** Length of term **

These appointments are temporary (as are those for the rest of the
current committee), lasting only until the October 2005 meeting.
The draft charter does require that the Steering Committee in forming
their first appointed Program Committee, carry forward at least
half the current members as of that time.

If you have any further questions, please post to the nanog list,
contact me directly, or entire committee at

Finally, on behalf of the Program Committee, I would like to thank
our three outgoing members, Barry Raveendran Greene, kc claffy, and
Curtis Villamizar, for their years of dedicated service to NANOG
and the Internet operations community.

  Steve Feldman
  PC Chair

[1] The draft charter is available at