open letter to earthlink & comcast please publish SPF data addresses are among the forgery addresses of choice for spammers, they are right up there with

I think a very high percentage of the pinksheet pump and dump spams and the viagr*, enl*rgment, etc spams have fake addresses in the From headers

So how about publishing some SPF data on your domain so those so inclined can use it toward reducing the ungodly amounts of backscatter you guys must get (and which causes you to tarpit other carriers and forwarders)

Same goes for comcast.

Even a softfail ~all will help out buckets.

It's all but eliminated the backscatter we send to hotmail. If they can do it....


Mark Jeftovic <> writes:

So how about publishing some SPF data on your domain so

Same goes for comcast.

It's all but eliminated the backscatter we send to hotmail. If they
can do it....

ditto Cox (guys... adelphia and roadrunner could do this, why can't you?)

Then there's Yahoo (who keeps getting listed on spamcop, but we might
just whitelist and override spamcop if there was some sane way to do
so.... we maintain a list of domains here that we will allow to
bypass greylisting and RBLs based upon SPF records). Yes, we know
you're a bunch of domainkeys jocks, but how about supporting more
instead of less?

Apple " ~all" Computers, mind being a little more specific?
I realize that spamware-infested machines at Apple are probably
vanishingly rare, but still...


Earthlink was the second major ISP to [publicly] do the right thing
and dump their spf records.

We, I am happy to say, were the first ISP to do that.

For more, take a look at

You seriously think SPF is going to help you do that, Mark?


Is Hotmail actually doing the Big Yellow Box Of Doom thing that they
promised to do a year ago?


To some extent, yes. Their UI does seem to be tagging mail that
passes sender id at any rate