on the issue of proxy-caching and new technologies

Alan Hannan writes:

  DWDM and huge fiber builds will get us part of the way to handling
  internet growth, but we need to find ways to utilize upper-layer
  tweaks to do more with less.



(The technical merits of DIGEX's current approach not withstanding)

No amount of capacity upgrades will obviate the need for an intelligent
architecture for content distribution on the net. Utilization will
explode to consume all bandwidth available and in the absence of an
elegant architecture will do so rather wastefully.

Most sites on the web are currently misdeployed/incorrectly-located
on the network. Techniques that prevents unwarranted replication
of data and bring the content to the user rather than the user to
the content will bring about more efficient use of bandwidth while
increasing performance for all users. These need to be complemented
with techniques to address the concerns of other constituents, like


Pushpendra Mohta pushp@cerf.net +1 619 812 3908
TCG CERFnet http://www.cerf.net +1 619 812 3995 (FAX)