old-school wiring nightmares

Wiring closet rats nests have frequently been a fun topic, so with that in mind, may I present telephone lines in Stockholm, circa late 1800s: http://www.thisiscolossal.com/2014/09/telefontornet-stockholm/

Have fun wire-tracing *that*

Click through to the flickr albums - the Tekniska Museet has put some great stuff up!

Wiring closet rats nests have frequently been a fun topic, so with that in
mind, may I present telephone lines in Stockholm, circa late 1800s:
A 19th Century Telephone Network Covered Stockholm in Thousands of Phone Lines — Colossal

Have fun wire-tracing *that*

imagine the probably almost constant outages in the winter months due
to ice buildup on the lines...

Christopher Morrow <morrowc.lists@gmail.com> writes:

Wiring closet rats nests have frequently been a fun topic, so with that in
mind, may I present telephone lines in Stockholm, circa late 1800s:
A 19th Century Telephone Network Covered Stockholm in Thousands of Phone Lines — Colossal

Have fun wire-tracing *that*

And things worked like that for decades.

imagine the probably almost constant outages in the winter months due
to ice buildup on the lines...

This still happens. Overhead fiber is a thing you know.

the hell you say!

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