Oh where, oh where has Comcast gone

I saw a bunch of mail to comcast.net bouncing, so I figured I'd check to
see if maybe their mail servers were misconfigured or something. Holy
petunias, they've imploded into private network space.

It appears that the glue records in the GTLD servers are OK, but ns02 is
returning the 172.30 address which, since it's authoritative for itself,
overwrites the good data. Tsk, tsk. I suppose that's one way to cut down
the amount of spam they get.

$ dnsqr ns comcast.net
2 comcast.net:
76 bytes, 1+2+0+0 records, response, noerror
query: 2 comcast.net
answer: comcast.net 4929 NS ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
answer: comcast.net 4929 NS ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net

$ dnsqr a ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
1 ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net:
59 bytes, 1+1+0+0 records, response, noerror
query: 1 ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
answer: ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net 4923 A

$ dnsqr a ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
1 ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net:
59 bytes, 1+1+0+0 records, response, noerror
query: 1 ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
answer: ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net 4919 A

John Levine, johnl@iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, http://iecc.com/johnl, Sewer Commissioner
"More Wiener schnitzel, please", said Tom, revealingly.

Well, I do know, as a customer, they are going through a large att -> comcast.net transition period right now.. they even left a poorly thought out automated message on my answering machine to let me know that on june 30th they plan on royally screwing up everything.. now naturally they didn't say that but that message sure didn't leave much room for any hope of contacting support that week if need be..

John R Levine wrote:

I actually noticed this morning when trying to check my mail that their mail server is now SSL capable out of the blue. Interesting...

Well, I do know, as a customer, they are going through a large att -> comcast.net transition period right now.. they even left a poorly thought out automated message on my answering machine to let me know that on june 30th they plan on royally screwing up everything.. now naturally they didn't say that but that message sure didn't leave much room for any hope of contacting support that week if need be..

John R Levine wrote:

I saw a bunch of mail to comcast.net bouncing, so I figured I'd check to
see if maybe their mail servers were misconfigured or something. Holy
petunias, they've imploded into private network space.
It appears that the glue records in the GTLD servers are OK, but ns02 is
returning the 172.30 address which, since it's authoritative for itself,
overwrites the good data. Tsk, tsk. I suppose that's one way to cut down
the amount of spam they get.
$ dnsqr ns comcast.net
2 comcast.net:
76 bytes, 1+2+0+0 records, response, noerror
query: 2 comcast.net
answer: comcast.net 4929 NS ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
answer: comcast.net 4929 NS ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
$ dnsqr a ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
1 ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net:
59 bytes, 1+1+0+0 records, response, noerror
query: 1 ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
answer: ns01.jdc01.pa.comcast.net 4923 A
$ dnsqr a ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
1 ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net:
59 bytes, 1+1+0+0 records, response, noerror
query: 1 ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net
answer: ns02.jdc01.pa.comcast.net 4919 A
John Levine, johnl@iecc.com, Primary Perpetrator of "The Internet for Dummies",
Information Superhighwayman wanna-be, John R. Levine, Sewer Commissioner
"More Wiener schnitzel, please", said Tom, revealingly.

Vinny Abello
Network Engineer
Server Management
(973)300-9211 x 125
(973)940-6125 (Direct)
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