Odd named messages...

Has anyone else seen an increase of the following named errors?

Aug 1 01:00:09 morannon /usr/sbin/named[21279]: dispatch 0x4035bd70: shutting
down due to TCP receive error: unexpected error
Aug 1 01:00:09 morannon /usr/sbin/named[21279]: dispatch 0x4035bd70: shutting
down due to TCP receive error: unexpected error

.. someone trying some new anti-bind trickery?

- d.

Has anyone else seen an increase of the following named errors?

Aug 1 01:00:09 morannon /usr/sbin/named[21279]: dispatch 0x4035bd70:
shutting down due to TCP receive error: unexpected error
Aug 1 01:00:09 morannon /usr/sbin/named[21279]: dispatch 0x4035bd70:
shutting down due to TCP receive error: unexpected error

Noted similar here, started Jul 31 17:06:09 (GMT+1).

.. someone trying some new anti-bind trickery?

The error can occur in "normal" usage of BIND9 so may reflect a change in
firewall practice or similar.

It is occurring on recursive servers with no remote recursive queries allowed,
so it is presumably in response to some query initiated locally (email/spam
related perhaps?).

We have spare disk space, I will enable query logging and see if it helps.

Suggest the DNS ops list may be best place to take further comments.

My best guess is ignorance over conspiracy. If I find a concrete answer I will
follow up to NANOG if appropriate.

Afraid my first attempt to investigate got side tracked into reporting some
phishing scam or other.