Odd BGP AS Path

Hi all,

Probably a silly question, but can anyone explain to me this:
3561 3356 9031 {35821,35821,35821,35821} i

To explain it a bit better, I'm looking at real routing information
from routeviews (#3).

According to RFC 4271 ( Aggregating Routing Information):

For the purpose of aggregating AS_PATH attributes, we model
each AS within the AS_PATH attribute as a tuple <type, value>,
where "type" identifies a type of the path segment the AS
belongs to (e.g., AS_SEQUENCE, AS_SET), and "value" identifies
the AS number.
No tuple of type AS_SET with the same value SHALL appear
more than once in the aggregated AS_PATH.

Am I misreading things, or is this path information out of spec?


Probably a silly question, but can anyone explain to me this:
3561 3356 9031 {35821,35821,35821,35821} i

please support draft-wkumari-deprecate-as-sets-00.txt


please support draft-wkumari-deprecate-as-sets-00.txt

I just noticed that then - looking through idr list archives. I'll
give it a read..
What is the best way to support, just email the list?



please support draft-wkumari-deprecate-as-sets-00.txt

I just noticed that then - looking through idr list archives. I'll
give it a read..
What is the best way to support, just email the list?

i am not sure, as truth be told, i do not follow idr. a fair but not
sure inference from its name (not being draft-ietf-idr-...) is folk need
to push for it to be taken on as a wg work item/draft.

the ietf ops cabal was certainly behind it, and encouraged warren to don
the kevlar and venture forth.

and, while you are tilting at windmills, you can help push the full
prefix match draft, draft-kohno-ipv6-prefixlen-p2p-02.txt, in 6man.

now all we need is someone to write draft-deprecate-ipv6-subnet-anycast


* Randy Bush:

Probably a silly question, but can anyone explain to me this:
3561 3356 9031 {35821,35821,35821,35821} i

please support draft-wkumari-deprecate-as-sets-00.txt

Mere deprecation does not stop propagation of such paths.

Probably a silly question, but can anyone explain to me this:
3561 3356 9031 {35821,35821,35821,35821} i

please support draft-wkumari-deprecate-as-sets-00.txt

Mere deprecation does not stop propagation of such paths.

over time, routers will no longer generate or accept

in the meantime, i will watch while you and king canute try to cure


That's very true, but it *does* move us in the right direction -- saying "Aggregation that results in AS_SETs is prohibited, off with your head" isn't going to fly in the IDR WG when there are routes that use them...

Suggesting the people do not perform aggregation that results in the creation of AS_SETs (and AS_CONFED_SETs), and that operators filter such announcements will lead to a time where they just don't exist any more [0] (and then can be removed from the protocol).

We are also specifying that new BGP work does not need to support AS_.*SET :wink:


just to uncloak a bit. when we first decided to look at deprecating
as-sets et alia, we begged olaf maennel to analyse the use thereof. the
following is edited from internal email from early august. we then
begged one of our number, warren, to do the dirty, and he was kind
enough to do so. we owe him.