OAM and QinQ


We're working on deploying some L2 services over an MPLS network. Our model
includes a CPE with OAM capabilities and QinQ from the PE to the CPE. For now we
want to do simple OAM functions from CPE-CPE (no MIPs in the MPLS network).

Our lab testing has shown some sort of incompatibilities between OAM and QinQ.
OAM frames are encapsulated with a single VLAN tag (the SVLAN) on the CPE. When
the PEs only perform SVLAN swapping, everything works fine. If we configure the
PE to also perform CVLAN manipulation, it drops OAM frames. It likely does not
know how to process them because they don't have a CVLAN tag. We're working with
2 CPE vendors and neither of them are able to add 2 VLAN tags to the OAM frames.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? How do you get around it? One option
we're looking at is to simply not perform CVLAN manipulation on the PE. This
means limiting our service to customers.

Our PEs are all Juniper MX boxes if it helps.



We're working on deploying some L2 services over an MPLS network. Our model includes a CPE with OAM capabilities and QinQ from the PE to the CPE. For now we want to do simple OAM functions from CPE-CPE (no MIPs in the MPLS network).

Our lab testing has shown some sort of incompatibilities between OAM and QinQ. OAM frames are encapsulated with a single VLAN tag (the SVLAN) on the CPE. When the PEs only perform SVLAN swapping, everything works fine. If we configure the PE to also perform CVLAN manipulation, it drops OAM frames. It likely does not know how to process them because they don't have a CVLAN tag. We're working with 2 CPE vendors and neither of them are able to add 2 VLAN tags to the OAM frames.

When we tried OAM with our CPE we activated the MEP on the client subif, so the OAM frames were encapsulated in both vlan (S and C) and everything worked fine : it was Telco System CPE (T280 or T380)