[nznog] Web Servers: Dual-homing or DNAT/Port Forwarding?

Glad to hear that. We (the family, 8 of us, and the 4 dogs will be arriving at your house, with its public address, in time for your Christmas dinner and we will be staying at least through your New Years eve party--maybe longer depending on the weather here.

Number 1 gets you thinking along the IPv6 route (no pun, and imho :slight_smile: )
since you have to treat each boxes as if it was public.

I see this kind of statement surprisingly often. Having a public
doesn't make a device public.

Yes it does,

Glad to hear that. We (the family, 8 of us, and the 4 dogs will be
arriving at your house, with its public address, in time for your
Christmas dinner and we will be staying at least through your New Years
eve party--maybe longer depending on the weather here.

I think your dogs may struggle with NZ customs.

Public ipv6 address : firewall :: public street address : locked
door/fence/guard dog

Just because something is public doesn¹t mean you have to accept ALL
traffic, it just means you have to anticipate any potential problems based
on Larry knowing your address rather than imagining him standing at the
front gate of your gated community. :wink: (let¹s torture that analogy!)

Just because something is public doesn¹t mean you have to accept ALL
traffic, it just means you have to anticipate any potential problems based
on Larry knowing your address rather than imagining him standing at the
front gate of your gated community. :wink: (let¹s torture that analogy!)

There's still a gated community? I thought that particular piece of routing joy was long gone...

Sorry, I'll get my coat.

I'm not sure that was an analogy--it was exploring the exact meanings of two words.

In any case, I submit that an address behind a gate is not a "public address".

But my point is, my address is in fact public, not behind any gates--displayed once on the post that supports the mail box, again inside the mailbox door for the mail person, and on a sign on the house next to the door.

Which public display grants to no one any right of access to the interior of my house (indeed to no part of the property save the path from the street to the front door).

Similarly, my IP address could be publicly visible but that does not grant any right of access to the equipment it attaches to.

(I might leave my front door wide open--that STILL does not grant any RIGHT of access. It does depend on archaic notions of honest and regard for rights to keep people out.)

I'm done.

Just because something is public doesn¹t mean you have to accept
ALL traffic, it just means you have to anticipate any potential
problems based on Larry knowing your address rather than imagining
him standing at the front gate of your gated community. :wink: (let¹s
torture that analogy!)

There's still a gated community? I thought that particular piece of
routing joy was long gone...

Sorry, I'll get my coat. Tim.

I'm not sure that was an analogy--it was exploring the exact meanings of

two words.

In any case, I submit that an address behind a gate is not a "public


But my point is, my address is in fact public, not behind any

gates--displayed once on the post that supports the mail box, again inside
the mailbox door for the mail person, and on a sign on the house next to
the door.

Which public display grants to no one any right of access to the interior

of my house (indeed to no part of the property save the path from the
street to the front door).

Similarly, my IP address could be publicly visible but that does not

grant any right of access to the equipment it attaches to.

(I might leave my front door wide open--that STILL does not grant any

RIGHT of access. It does depend on archaic notions of honest and regard
for rights to keep people out.)

I'm done.

It's maybe better to think of an ip address as a phone number. Most people
get a better experience if they can make and receive calls.

Your line of thinking is that you would only like to make outbound phone
calls. That's cool, for you.

The rest of us will be playing xbox online, which explicitly recommends
unsolicited inbound connections, meaning your result will be better if you
do not statefully firewall and allow xbox to form arbitrary meshes of ipsec
