NZNOG 06 - March 22-24 , Registrations online

NZNOG 06 - Registrations now online.

The next conference of the New Zealand Network Operators' Group is to
be held in Wellington, New Zealand between 22-24 March 2006. The
conference is on the week before the ICANN meeting in Wellington
so people can attend both events.

NZNOG meetings provide opportunities for the exchange of technical
information and discussion of issues relating to the operation and
support of networked services, with particular emphasis on New Zealand.

The conference has a strong technical focus with the aim of attracting
a strong turnout of technical personnel. The conference fee is
affordable to most to encourage greater participation

This year we have a strong programme of New Zealand and overseas
speakers on a wide range of topics over 3 days. The programme includes
talks on VoIP, DNSSEC, IPv6, BGP, 10G Networks, Peering, QoS and

NZNOG 2006 registration fee is $250 for three days

See for more details.

My apologies if you see multiple copies of this announcement.