NYT on Thing.net (fwd)

(Some more background on the Flashback censorship issue)


There were people who contacted him and volunteered to try to help by
trying to pursuade their employers to sell bw to Flashback. When these
people did not succeed their employers was published on Axelssons
blacklist as a "thank you for you trying to help".

I had great respect for Axelsson before this incident, after seeing his
behaviour more up close I nowadays loathe him for his methods.

Let's put it this way:

Nobody is an angel in this mess, definately not Axelsson.

Hash: SHA1

I had great respect for Axelsson before this incident, after seeing his
behaviour more up close I nowadays loathe him for his methods.

Let's put it this way:

Nobody is an angel in this mess, definately not Axelsson.

I agree. What Bj�rn Fries did (using public resources) was sort of going
over the line. What the ISP's did (or did not) does smell somewhat. And the
most kind thing one can say about Axelsson is that his "free speech"
content has a heavy list towards "sensational" topics, such as:

* porn
* illegal drugs
* illegal manufacture of alcohol
* publicising intimate details about criminals and famous people.
* lock-picking

to name but a few. A tabloid newspaper of the worst kind would be wary of
printing this, even if it is in the general direction of their vulture
habits. Today this is the content of the spam we all try to discard asap...

And I am very well aware of the fact that "free speech" is in theory
something binary -- you either have it or not. If we want to have free
speech we'll have to tolerate this kind of content. Somewhere.

So, last post on this.
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M�ns Nilsson Systems Specialist
+46 70 681 7204 KTHNOC MN1334-RIPE

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