NYT covers China cyberthreat

I'm only part way through, but I find it hard to believe that
only micro$loth computers are used as the attack OS. Maybe I

:: when all tools are available for windows os, you just have to compile them.
<sniped out the rest>

Part of the entire 'chinese l337 hxx0r spy' 1st complex is apparently the
local equivalent of a community college, where the passing out assignment
is probably something on the lines of 'get me a dump of the dalai lama's

--srs (htc one x)

Part of the entire 'chinese l337 hxx0r spy' 1st complex is apparently
the local equivalent of a community college, where the passing out
assignment is probably something on the lines of 'get me a dump of the
dalai lama's email'.

american education is behind in many things. this is but one.


So true, Randy.

But I think the underlying point here was more "when you do these things
on the scale that nation-states do them, the result is different in
type, not merely in degree".

-- jra

( Well I'm sure that there is a few hundrends of paper on this subject )

    I have a few ideas but it involve:

         .Dark Fiber;
        . All devices at FIPS 140 level;
        . Tonnes of resin;
        . Wire mesh;
        . Fiber DB monitoring;
        . Cable Shield monitoring;
        . Single Encryption Key injection for the FIPS 140 devices;
        . Central Provisioning;
        . Kill switch for suspected segments;
        <add your own crazy ideas>
        <add more of your own crazy ideas>

    And a private fab because it would not be a good idea to
sub-contract that to lets says... some Chinese outfit =D

    TLDR: Feasable, hella costly.



    Enjoy this week end of the world news.