number of unaggregated class C's in swamp?

From: Barney Wolff <>
> This is interesting, showing how bad assignment has been even
> _after_ CIDR. 5K sites migrating providers in 2 years.

I believe the NIC was assigning out of 198 before CIDR went into
effect. I got a single C directly from them in late 1993, as I recall.

RFC-1366 was October 1992! And of course, an internet draft before that!

Another fine example of the NIC level of competence.
          Key fingerprint = 2E 07 23 03 C5 62 70 D3 59 B1 4F 5E 1D C2 C1 A2

I believe the NIC was assigning out of 198 before CIDR went into
effect. I got a single C directly from them in late 1993, as I recall.

RFC-1366 was October 1992! And of course, an internet draft before that!
Another fine example of the NIC level of competence.

No. An example that the InterNIC does not set the allocation policy.
None of IANA, the NSF, ... told them that they had the right or obligation
not to do so. In fact, these policy issues are still being negotiated

In August 1994 I applied for a /23 CIDR block. I received 2 consecutive
/24's instead from a NIC other than the Internic.

Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
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