NTP for ASBRs?

on this topic, i strongly recommend to operate all
devices in the Etc/UTC timezone, this makes
coordination with external entities much easier.

Now if only we could get rid of Daylight Saving Time ...

Newfoundland time, anybody? :slight_smile:

isn't the point: "Pick one for all of your things, stick to that one thing"
it's find if you pick central indiana time, if you are setting the
same everywhere and keeping it update properly...AND you agree that
when I send you central Fiji time you'll silently convert =57 hrs and
understand that we're talking about the same slice of time.

UTC is nice
EST is nice
PDT is nice..

pick one, deal with the eccentricities of that decision without
foisting your religion on the rest of me. :slight_smile:
Also, PLEASE use a constant / automatic time source that's available
world-wide (like NTP).


isn't the point: "Pick one for all of your things, stick to that one
thing" it's find if you pick central indiana time, if you are setting
the same everywhere and keeping it update properly

i find the time zone they choose says a lot about an operation. can be
a flag of parochialism.



UTC is nice
EST is nice
PDT is nice..

pick one, deal with the eccentricities of that decision without
foisting your religion on the rest of me. :slight_smile:

Yes and no. Anything non-UTC can cause issues when working with
other organisations.

More than once I've received logs or incident notifications from
suppliers without a time zone stated at all. I've then asked the
time zone only to be told "It's PST" when in fact the real answer
was PDT as the supplier was currently in DST. Others shouldn't have
to work this hard, epseically with DST dates being a matter of local
legislation, and one way of helping that to happen from the first
line support up is to use UTC.



> UTC is nice
> EST is nice
> PDT is nice..
> pick one, deal with the eccentricities of that decision without
> foisting your religion on the rest of me. :slight_smile:

Yes and no. Anything non-UTC can cause issues when working with
other organisations.

"deal with the eccentricities of that decision without
foisting your religion on the rest of me"

I clearly mistyped: "me" at the end there with "us"... Your point is
squarely on: Hey, you do you... when you talk to me be prepared to
normalize my TZ and yours.
(which may mean;: send in UTC store in ElboniaStandardTime"

Many systems have less than ideal separation of collection, storage, viewing, export, etc. timezones. I prefer to view in local time. I may wish to export in another. Storage in UTC to facilitate all of this makes sense. Normalizing input timezones would be nice.

A boy can only dream…

Many systems have less than ideal separation of collection, storage, viewing, export, etc. timezones. I prefer to view in local time. I may wish to export in another. Storage in UTC to facilitate all of this makes sense. Normalizing input timezones would be nice.

A boy can only dream...

Mike "Dreamer of Dreams" Hammett

There I fixed it for ya! :slight_smile:
(I agree, btw, that this sort of thing would be nice :slight_smile: and some folk
can implement that today even :slight_smile: )