ntp config tech note

sorry to take you away from discussing spam with an actual
tech note, but twice this morning i have hit incidents where
much needed ntp clients were blown. so, as i was gonna have
to write it up, i figured i would bore you all with it.

One minor (operational! -- gasp) addition:

More modern copies of ntpd have a '-g' option that will allow
the clock to jump once at boot time.


More modern copies of ntpd have a '-g' option that will allow
the clock to jump once at boot time.

Saku Ytti <saku+nanog@ytti.fi> also told me this. have you
tested. i remember a bad experience with it some years back,
and, being a normally supersitious hacker, have avoided ever
since. (yes, i still walk around that crack in the sidewalk
where i tripped in the third grade:-).


it works here.


note that ntpdate is actually depreciated. and at some point you'll have
to run ntpd to set the time (with the -q flag) then run it again.


with constructive criticism/input from a number of net folk,
version .0002!
