NT server problem.

Could anyhone tell me that if NT server "runs" nslookup.
Does NT cache nslookup entries for a period time.
Ie, nslookup does not actually query to server.

Unfortunately I do not have access to NT server to check this.

Tatsuya Kawasaki
(Division of Allegiance Telecom)
Unlock the Power of the Internet
Phone 301.215.6777 Fax 301.215.5991
Affiliation given for identification not representation

doesn't cache it. Goes straight to "default" DNS servers as spec'd in IP
properties on the box or optionally to those specified on the command line.

Thnx Eric.

FRO was bad, proxy server.
Apperently he did disable it but for some reason, the proxy
server with filter was causing the problem.
Funny things that that filter was not 100%. some time blocks some time
passes. Microsoft engineer was pluzzed about at too.
Well what do you expect from NT server... :slight_smile:



Tatsuya Kawasaki
(Division of Allegiance Telecom)
Unlock the Power of the Internet
Phone 301.215.6777 Fax 301.215.5991
Affiliation given for identification not representation