NPA/NXX Information

If you know an NPA/NXX and want switch information here is a URL:

Here is the info on the AT&T Local Services (TCG) Switch/node in the
basement of Tower B taken from that web site.


631-787 631-247 718-637 718-307 718-406
718-355 914-323 212-601 212-478 212-479
212-803 212-729 212-209 212-336 212-435
516-787 516-247

WK OC96 Capable Wire Center
WJ OC48 Capable Wire Center
WI OC24 Capable Wire Center
WH OC12 Capable Wire Center
WG OC3 Capable Wire Center
WF OC1 Capable Wire Center
WE DS1 Capable Wire Center
VD SMDI-expanded
UY Route diversity
UW Analog private line conditioning
UU Access to Clear Channel Transmission
UP 64 Kbs clear channel DDS
UG Clear channel DS1 and B8ZS line coding
SQ High cap mux-DS1 to voice
SP Digital data mux DS1 to DS0
SI Switched Fractionalized Office
SH High cap mux-DS3 to DS1
SG High cap. mux.-DS4 to DS1
QF Special access interconnect-virtual fibe
QB Swiched access interconnect-virtual fibe
QA Switched access interconnect-fiber
PN Term and volume discount for DS1
II Flexible ANI
IH Make busy key
IG Multiline hunt group-UCD line hunt
IF Multiline hunt group-C.O. announcements
IE Multiline hunt group-UCD
ID Multiline hunt group-individual port acc
IC Multiline hunt group
IB Calling billing number delivery
IA Alternate routing
HD 800 query charge billing
GR Local Number Portability Capable
GL International blocking
GH Electronic white pages
GE Public switched 56 KBS DDS (PSDS)
G3 Inward operator service