Not operational, but related to the attendees in Philly

I'm getting a rash of emails (as are some of my colleagues at work that are attending in Philly) from vendors that act like they know me, and just want to "have a drink and catch up while in Philly".

Just me, or are others seeing an increase in spam from vendors that will be there?


That does not seem to be unique to nanog.

Oh I know, it's just never happened to me until this nanog, and I've been attending off/on since '94. (Ok, I probably got a few here and there).

I just need to get older and more crotchety-er like Randy, maybe they'll leave me alone.


I have been getting some from vendors that already have my email, and/or already have a relationship with. Nothing from someone I've never dealt with before. If that is what you are getting, then that is pretty slimy.


No, but it is annoying that "vendors" do seem to scrape the nanog attendee list and feel it's ok to spam those people.