North America not interested in IP V6

I have been plotting the IPv6 ASNs for some time. These should be the
ISPs running IPv6. See:

It would be interesting to see an analysis that combines this data with
Geoff Huston's IPv4 analysis
and see if we can predict the point at which the number of IPv6 addresses
deployed begins to exceed the number of IPv4 addresses deployed? I realize
that the IPv6 analysis is routes only, but one should be able to
determine how many addresses are available in each ASN.

One could reasonably assume that at the point where the Internet shifts to
IPv6 as the core protocol, more than half of the interfaces with an IPv4
address will also have an IPv6 address. So to get to that point, one could
make some assumptions about the allocation of IPv6 /48's based on the
observed trends in IPv4 /32's.

I'm not sure where one would take this, but I think a lot of people would
be interested in seeing some type of well-presented analysis of these

--Michael Dillon

>I have been plotting the IPv6 ASNs for some time. These should be the
>ISPs running IPv6. See:

It would be interesting to see an analysis that combines this data with
Geoff Huston's IPv4 analysis
ISP Column - July 2003
and see if we can predict the point at which the number of IPv6 addresses
deployed begins to exceed the number of IPv4 addresses deployed? I realize
that the IPv6 analysis is routes only, but one should be able to
determine how many addresses are available in each ASN.

One could reasonably assume that at the point where the Internet shifts to
IPv6 as the core protocol, more than half of the interfaces with an IPv4
address will also have an IPv6 address. So to get to that point, one could
make some assumptions about the allocation of IPv6 /48's based on the
observed trends in IPv4 /32's.

I'm not sure where one would take this, but I think a lot of people would
be interested in seeing some type of well-presented analysis of these

It's not worth doing a fine analysis to predict so far in the future - a
back of the envelope will do just fine :slight_smile:

Look at ASN :

shows that IPv6 ASN (as seen fron NLNetLabs) are doubling about every 1.75
years, and are about 340 now.

So, IPv6 ASN can be modeled as

N_6 = 340 x 2^(T/1.75)

where T = time - 2003.5 in years.

Now, IPv4 ASN withb routing are growing linearly lately (see Figure 2b in - Diese Website steht zum Verkauf! - Informationen zum Thema multicasttech. for example) and
can be roughly modeled as

N_4 = 15000 + 1750 x (t - 2003.5) = 15000 + 1750 T

Set N_4 = N_6 and we see that the number of IPv4 and IPv6 ASN with routing
will be equal in a little less than 12 years (T ~ 11.75), or some time in the
Spring of 2015.

This is far enough into the future that I do not think that it is realistic to
be more rigorous than this.

Marshall Eubanks