noction vs border6 vs kentik vs fcp vs ?

I know this topic has gone around a couple times but wondering if there are
any new strong opinions on inbound+outbound traffic analysis with a bonus
for excellence in traffic engineering at the edge. A typical use case would
be finding an AS or prefix representing a large volume of inbound and/or
outbound traffic via provider A that could just as well or better be moved
via provider B.

I know solutions like Kentik do a lot more but I’m focusing on just the
above use case. Also ignoring the cloud vs. on-prem difference, assume that
doesn’t matter.

Will reward any helpful advice with a picture of me give you a virtual
high-five or 2 thumbs up. Your choice.

Might want to re-think that. In a world where some eyeball networks are
reporting that 60%+ of the traffic is Netflix, there's a big difference
between the Netflix CDN cloud and having a local Netflix cache box on
the local net. Akamai is another company making coin assuming it does matter.

(I'm assuming you don't actually know what percent of your traffic is
Netflix/Akamai - if you already had that breakout, you'd not be asking
for suggestions as you have already have an in-house solution...)

If my servers are watching Netflix all day I’ve got another problem way
beyond traffic visibility.

I know solutions like Kentik do a lot more but I’m focusing on just the
above use case. Also ignoring the cloud vs. on-prem difference, assume


doesn’t matter.

Might want to re-think that. In a world where some eyeball networks are
reporting that 60%+ of the traffic is Netflix, there's a big difference
between the Netflix CDN cloud and having a local Netflix cache box on
the local net. Akamai is another company making coin assuming it does

(I'm assuming you don't actually know what percent of your traffic is
Netflix/Akamai - if you already had that breakout, you'd not be asking
for suggestions as you have already have an in-house solution...)

Kentik has been great for us on notification and analysis.
They are pretty much accurate and you can set-up tons of alerts and even action.
For example Automatic blackhole for DDoS
I wouldn’t use them to shift your traffic around (aka traffic engineering) but I'm sure you can set that up as well.

I have 3 different well-known caches local to my network...

45% of my subscriber traffic hits the caches
55% of my subscriber traffic hits the internet uplinks

I love my caches, but I REALLY love the Netflix cache. It's a huge savings on my internet uplinks.
