NMS/ OSS commercial software ?

Does anyone have any real references for Smarts? Seems like all they
have are partners and sales to companies that buy one of everything.
Any one willing to use their company email address and state that they
use Smarts? Saying that it is wonderful from bakker.net and domino.org
doesn't lend it much credibility. :wink:

Jim, I work for COLT, we use SMARTS across our entire IP network.

If you look at SMARTS web page there are several customer case


* jimpop@rocketship.com (Jim Popovitch) [Wed 09 Oct 2002, 05:48 CEST]:

Does anyone have any real references for Smarts? Seems like all they
have are partners and sales to companies that buy one of everything.
Any one willing to use their company email address and state that they
use Smarts? Saying that it is wonderful from bakker.net and domino.org
doesn't lend it much credibility. :wink:

That's mostly a matter of habit and ease-of-use; my NANOG subscription
so far outlasts my previous three employments. :wink:

SMARTS scalability? Thousands and thousands of ports monitored... from
what I recall from certain documentation, 2,000 ports is `good', 5,000
is `doable' and 25,000 is `too many' (for a single installation).

* neil@DOMINO.ORG (Neil J. McRae) [Wed 09 Oct 2002, 09:54 CEST]:

Jim, I work for COLT, we use SMARTS across our entire IP network.

Yes, the course that I mentioned I followed in my earlier mail was
together with one of your colleagues... there were experienced and very
clueful people from Cable & Wireless UK, COLT, Interoute and GlidePath
(me) at that training. All of these companies are actively using SMARTS
and broadening the scope of their implementation.


  -- Niels.