NJ: Red alert? Stay home, await word


If the nation escalates to "red alert," which is the highest in
the color-coded readiness against terror, you will be assumed by
authorities to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside
your home, the state's anti-terror czar says.


"You literally are staying home, is what happens, unless you are required to
be out. No different than if you had a state of emergency with a

Except that in a snow storm, I can go out if I want to, and not face criminal
liability. Are they planning to at least go through the farce of declaring
martial law first?

> http://www.southjerseynews.com/issues/march/m031603e.htm
> If the nation escalates to "red alert," which is the highest in
> the color-coded readiness against terror, you will be assumed by
> authorities to be the enemy if you so much as venture outside
> your home, the state's anti-terror czar says.
> ...

"You literally are staying home, is what happens, unless you are
required to
be out. No different than if you had a state of emergency with a

Except that in a snow storm, I can go out if I want to, and not
face criminal
liability. Are they planning to at least go through the farce of
martial law first?

Seems like a pretty steep step between "Orange" and "Red".

Are other states taking this position?

Deepak Jain

be out. No different than if you had a state of emergency with a

Except that in a snow storm, I can go out if I want to, and not face criminal
liability. Are they planning to at least go through the farce of declaring
martial law first?

Are you kidding me? Of course not. That might give the ACLU ammunition.
It might give the gun toting, meat eaters an excuse....


Seems like a pretty steep step between "Orange" and "Red".

Are other states taking this position?

As an amateur radio op in the bay area, I've been involved with local OES,
specifically in the SF Bay Area. San Francisco's stance, apparently mimed
by the State of CA is that "we'll change what we do as the situation
itself changes". In other words react, rather than proact. This is about
2 hour old info from the head of Emergency Services in SF.


Yes, the State of insanity.


Deepak Jain wrote:

Seems like a pretty steep step between "Orange" and "Red".

Are other states taking this position?

I hope Oklahoma doesn't (highly doubtful). I'd be ordered to the CO and
forced to stay there and make sure the network kept running. no
transportation != no work.

There's only thing worse than government full of idiots: government
full of scared idiots.


There's only thing worse than government full of idiots: government
full of scared idiots.

Depends on who they are afraid of.

If they fear the people, perfect and all the better.

If they fear $random_third_party at the cost of the people, very bad.


"There is nothing more frightful than ignorance in action."
