NIST Bulletins and publications

I read a lot of mailing lists. Some of them are actually just collections of others, which mercifully allows me to reduce the traffic oh, so slightly. On one of them, InfoSec News, I see bulletins coming in from NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and they're always comprised of reasonable, yet wordy, documents. This month is especially interesting. "ITL Bulletin for July 2007: Border Gateway Protocol Security (all caps removed to protect the innocent)."

I wonder how many here actually read these things, or find them useful. I read the announcement, and have glanced briefly at the PDF it points to, and find it generally useful. Nice guidelines, sensible stuff all, and probably of great help if this is all new to you (perhaps helpful even if you've been around a while). For those overwhelmed with too much work and too little time, there's even an Executive Summary with actual useful information in it.