'nic whois warning

Be cautious if you're relying on the nic's whois servers...

Consecutive queries of the same domain are showing update dates of

Database last updated on 1-Jan-99 03:27:16 EST.


Database last updated on 4-Jan-99 03:35:21 EST.


maybe entirely unrelated, but i did notice that 24.in-addr.arpa disappeared
yesterday - and still isn't back . . .



[ On Mon, January 4, 1999 at 19:06:13 (-0800), Lincoln Dale wrote: ]

Subject: Re: 'nic whois warning

maybe entirely unrelated, but i did notice that 24.in-addr.arpa disappeared
yesterday - and still isn't back . . .

Do you mean this?

23:42 [171] $ host -C 24.in-addr.arpa
24.in-addr.arpa has no NS record (Authoritative answer)
No nameservers for 24.in-addr.arpa found

So far as I can remember this zone has never been delegated. It
probably shouldn't be anyway....

Or something like this?

23:51 [173] $ host -C 112.24.in-addr.arpa
112.24.in-addr.arpa NS NS2.HOME.NET
112.24.in-addr.arpa SOA record currently not present at NS2.HOME.NET
112.24.in-addr.arpa has lame delegation to NS2.HOME.NET
112.24.in-addr.arpa NS NS.ON.ROGERS.WAVE.CA
112.24.in-addr.arpa SOA record currently not present at NS.ON.ROGERS.WAVE.CA
112.24.in-addr.arpa has lame delegation to NS.ON.ROGERS.WAVE.CA
112.24.in-addr.arpa NS NS.BC.ROGERS.WAVE.CA
112.24.in-addr.arpa SOA record currently not present at NS.BC.ROGERS.WAVE.CA
112.24.in-addr.arpa has lame delegation to NS.BC.ROGERS.WAVE.CA
112.24.in-addr.arpa NS NS1.HOME.NET
112.24.in-addr.arpa SOA record currently not present at NS1.HOME.NET
112.24.in-addr.arpa has lame delegation to NS1.HOME.NET

BTW, it seems the operations folks controlling the servers behind the
whois.internic.net re-director are having a very hard time managing a
simple operational change, namely the disabling of Path-MTU-discovery.
After my last go-around I've had several assurances from Mark Kosters
that he would remind them to disable it and keep it disabled, and I have
every confidence that he has in fact reminded them several times.
However despite his, and possibly their, best intentions it seems they
are incapable of maintaining such an operational change and slowly the
servers behind that re-director have slipped back into the state of
using Path-MTU-discovery and it takes ever more frequent retries before
I'm able to get a complete answer from whois queries.

i always thought 24.in-addr.arpa pointed somewhere.

oh well, the comment still stands - only a little more specific:
192.24.in-addr.arpa disappeared somewhere. (that particular address space
being some hfc/adsl networks in australia).


(doesn't bother me - but i'm sure that it was removed not by the current
user of the said address space).