Next NANOG meeting/stats

Hi Susan,

Is this date absolutely set in stone? First Halloween, now Valentine's Day... how is a girl supposed to toss a good party if you put everyone in airports for all the fun holidays? Geesh. -ren

The next NANOG meeting will be held February 9-11, 2003, in
Arizona, where it will be warm and sunny.

Is this date absolutely set in stone? First Halloween, now Valentine's

and it butts right against nordnog, essentially preventing attendance
at both.


While we are at it...

Those that still believe in using Sneaker-Net will be attending the following convention...

   Western Shoe Association (WSA)
   Las Vegas 8-11 Feb 2003

...I don't think we have people that are members of both WSA & NANOG.

Also, I know that we have had NANOG's that overlap the World Series (Baseball) and the Superbowl (American Football), but for cricket lovers...

   Cricket World Cup 2003 begins on 9 Feb
   Johannesburg South Africa. that excludes most of the network operators within the British Empire from attending. While talking about sports, if you leave NANOG on the Tuesday and fly that night to Auckland, NZ you will have just enough time to sleep off the jet-lag and witness...

   The America's Cup series begins in Auckland
   February 15, 2003 (Saturday).

... keep in mind you would loose a day flying over the International Date line. (you would loose Feb 12'th so you would still have Valentines day available).


   Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams (FIRST)
   10 and 11-Feb-2003
   FIRST Technical Colloquium
   Location: Europe, to be decided

...which means that there will be no-one available from the US Government to talk about "how to secure the Internet". That reason alone should warrant a change of date! :slight_smile:


The next NANOG meeting will be held February 9-11, 2003, in
Arizona, where it will be warm and sunny.

Is this date absolutely set in stone? First Halloween, now Valentine's

and it butts right against nordnog, essentially preventing attendance
at both.

As Nordnog organizer I agree.

- kurtis -

None of the below events are related to network operations. Nordnog is.

If these are the dates that Nanog goes for, I assume that Nordnog will have to reschedule. Nanog is large enough to attract people from all over the world and the scheduling of Nanog influences a lot of peoples agendas.

- kurtis -

] None of the below events are related to network operations. Nordnog is.

Just a small point of order: FIRST is definitely related to network
operations, albeit with a focus on secure network operations. :slight_smile:

None of the below events are related to network operations. Nordnog is.

If these are the dates that Nanog goes for, I assume that Nordnog will
have to reschedule. Nanog is large enough to attract people from all
over the world and the scheduling of Nanog influences a lot of peoples

and the World Series is a game played only by amercian teams. and if
you don't like it, shut up or we'll bomb you.


OK, so the Jays and Expos both suck. Don't rub it in. :wink:

The Toronto (Ontario) Blue Jays won the series in 1992 and 1993. 'Course, in one of the games in Philadelphia, someone raised the Canadian flag upside down at the start of a game.