NeXT Default Network


Could someone please tell me what is or why it should be
handled as a special prefix?


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Could someone please tell me what is or why it should be handled as a special prefix?

You might review the notes I list below, and specifically RFC 3330. They mention the prefix neither by name or by value...

I would expect that this had something to do with a company called NeXT and an operating system called NextStep. It sounds like they came up with a variety of site-local address pre-RFC1918 and pre-RFC3927 that did something similar to RFC 3927 addresses. This is mentioned in passing in RFCs 1117 and 1166. The big question is - are there any NextStep systems still in use (I last used one in 1990), and whether they have been configured with other addresses (seems likely, especially in a DHCP world).
3330 Special-Use IPv4 Addresses. IANA. September 2002. (Format:
      TXT=16200 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
3789 Introduction to the Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently
      Deployed IETF Standards Track and Experimental Documents. P. Nesser,
      II, A. Bergstrom, Ed.. June 2004. (Format: TXT=22842 bytes) (Status:
3790 Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Internet Area
      Standards Track and Experimental Documents. C. Mickles, Ed., P.
      Nesser, II. June 2004. (Format: TXT=102694 bytes) (Status:
3791 Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Routing Area
      Standards Track and Experimental Documents. C. Olvera, P. Nesser, II.
      June 2004. (Format: TXT=27567 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
3792 Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Security Area
      Standards Track and Experimental Documents. P. Nesser, II, A.
      Bergstrom, Ed.. June 2004. (Format: TXT=46398 bytes) (Status:
3793 Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Sub-IP Area
      Standards Track and Experimental Documents. P. Nesser, II, A.
      Bergstrom, Ed.. June 2004. (Format: TXT=11624 bytes) (Status:
3794 Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Transport
      Area Standards Track and Experimental Documents. P. Nesser, II, A.
      Bergstrom, Ed.. June 2004. (Format: TXT=60001 bytes) (Status:
3795 Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Application
      Area Standards Track and Experimental Documents. R. Sofia, P. Nesser,
      II. June 2004. (Format: TXT=92584 bytes) (Status: INFORMATIONAL)
3796 Survey of IPv4 Addresses in Currently Deployed IETF Operations &
      Management Area Standards Track and Experimental Documents. P.
      Nesser, II, A. Bergstrom, Ed.. June 2004. (Format: TXT=78400 bytes)
      (Status: INFORMATIONAL)

Fred, Brandon, Spiro,

Thanks for all your answers.

operating system called NextStep. It sounds like they came up with a variety
of site-local address pre-RFC1918 and pre-RFC3927 that did something similar
to RFC 3927 addresses.

That's it. is often used in examples, but I also found in
the "Automatic Host Addition" chapter of the following:

"The second property, configuration_ipaddr, is required and specifies the
address that must not be allocated by nibootpd. This address is in fact
the address that NeXT uses to identify a new workstation temporarily
during the boot process. It should always be set to

It looks like this /24 is (was) a must for their "Automatic Host Addition"
process. So now I see how this prefix got into Barry's list.



Fairly certain this isn't the place for this but I've exhausted my
googling and I'm sure someone here may know. I was looking for an
application that will detect when you connect to a specific wireless
network that when connected automatically run a specified application.
Any ideas?



Are you talking about Wi-Fi? I believe IBM's connection manager can do


Ah. Sorry, guess that would be important. Win XP



Ah. Sorry, guess that would be important. Win XP

If you are willing to do some (dot net) scripting,
look at the information at:

"Receiving notifications when things change"


I have done this in troubleshooting an OSPF issue where we needed to immediately grab logs from a buffer that had only limited size when the adjacency reset due to a dead timer. If you have WildPackets OmniPeek analzyer its easy if you understand the protocol operations you need to filter on. I simply created a filter for the specific packet (in this case OSPF Master Bit). Whenever the analyzer would see the specific packet it would launch an executable file. I used SecureCRT's scripting language to have it log into the router and save off whatever show commands I needed. You can also have it syslog, snmp-trap, or send an email.