New Protocol Speeds Internet Packets

An article on Dynamic Transfer Mode and how circuit-switching technology
will enhance packet-switching protocols. TIWAGOS. (Barry L James) writes:

An article on Dynamic Transfer Mode and how circuit-switching technology
will enhance packet-switching protocols. TIWAGOS.

Uh, yeah. A large grain of salt. Without software, bandwidth
reservation is just silly. (Even with it, it's fairly easy to prove
that channelization always increases queue depths and waiting times.
Oh, well.)

In article <> you write:

An article on Dynamic Transfer Mode and how circuit-switching technology
will enhance packet-switching protocols. TIWAGOS.

router#config t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
router(config)#dtm ?
% Unrecognized command
router(config)#ip dtm ?
% Unrecognized command

  'Nuff said. I like this quote:

   Karoop said the company could also do battle with the
   big fast-router set. "They could have success in the core
   routing space and compete with the likes of Argon
   [Networks Inc.], Avici [Systems Inc.] and Juniper
   [Networks Inc.]," he said. "Their value proposition is that
   they can provide better QOS than what's out there."

  I guess all the big providers are behind the times.
Evidently the core routing space is controlled by Argon,
Avici, and Juniper.

  No, I couldn't write that with a straight face. :slight_smile:


> An article on Dynamic Transfer Mode and how circuit-switching technology
> will enhance packet-switching protocols. TIWAGOS.


Yeah, this stuff gets out of hand, but after staring at it longer than I
should: Take It With A Grain Of Salt



"You know, I've decided lizards aren't too smart."
   --Me, to "Junior", one of my iguanas

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Charles Sprickman Internet Channel |
INCH System Administration Team (212)243-5200 | |

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Take It With A Grain Of Salt

It's the new Internet Fad. The comm has chngd f/ lil abbrv lang 2 total
acronyms. Soon, inet comm will look like DNA strings (but with 22 more
letters to choose from), YKWIM? ;^)

Barry "I am one with my duality" James

Barry L James | Mikrotec Internet Services, Inc (AS3801)
Director R & D | 1001 Winchester Rd | Lexington KY 40505 | 606/266.5925 800/875.5095
Member AAAI, IEEE # 40277528