New Natural Disaster! 8/27/2011 Hurricane Irene

The US Airforce has sent most of the fighters from the East Coast to
Indiana, what are you doing to prepare for the storm of the next 2 days?

Ready, Set, DISCUSS!

Irene is already past me. I'm outside of Jacksonville, Florida by the
coast. Irene snapped my tomato plant in half overnight Wednesday.

Same thing I always do when a hurricane hits the coast of the US... wonder why people insist on rebuilding on those coastlines again and again.

Matthew Kaufman

Because other than the occasional hurricane, some consider it a nice
place to live and it's not like there is anywhere on the planet that is
completely devoid of some form of natural disaster.


I wasn't asking for an answer... just saying what I was doing to prepare.

Matthew Kaufman

The US Airforce has sent most of the fighters from the East Coast to
Indiana, what are you doing to prepare for the storm of the next 2 days?
Ready, Set, DISCUSS!

I'm probably the only one on the list from Southeastern Virginia (Norfolk/Virginia Beach Area.) It's expected to be here tomorrow morning early.

Storm prep is mostly moving equipment from low lying areas that are likely to get flooded. I'm sure the cellular companies are on standby with generators for the sites that don't have permanant ones, if the fiber network holds up.

In past storms our region has lost much of the metro fiber business network from Cox due to power outages and lack of optical bypass switches and other issues.

Previous storms that looked like they were bad were nothing.

Others that looked like nothing caused huge amounts of outages.

Time will tell!

Did you have backup tomatoes?

Indeed. Multi gardening is all the rage.

Can't be too safe.

Internet Outages from Hurricane Could Force People to Interact with
   Other People, Officials Warn

     FEMA: Prepare for Unwanted Eye Contact, Awkward Silences

WASHINGTON (*The Borowitz Report

– As Hurricane Irene prepared to batter the East Coast of the United
States, federal disaster officials warned that Internet outages caused
by the storm could force people to interact with other people for the
first time in years.

News of the possible interpersonal interactions created panic up and
down the coast as residents braced themselves for the horror of awkward
silences and unwanted eye contact.

And as officials warned people in the hurricane zone to stay indoors,
residents feared the worst: conversations with members of their
immediate family.

At the Federal Emergency Management Agency, FEMA chief Craig Fugate
offered these words of advice for those who may be forced into direct
contact with other human beings: “Be prepared. Write down possible
topics to talk about in advance. Sports is a good one, and of course
the weather. Remember, a conversation is basically a series of Facebook
updates strung together.”

He also offered these words of hope for those trapped interacting with
other people due to an Internet outage: “At some point, the wifi will go
back on, and hopefully you won’t have to go through anything like this
again for a long, long time.”

In a related story, the Rev. Pat Robertson said the best way to prepare
for Hurricane Irene is not being gay.

Off-site (at the supermarket).

Personally, I was very happy to hear that Equinix had laid
in stores of MREs, and so, with luck, nobody we know there will
have to resort to cannibalism or being cannibalized. (Although
they may wish they had, depending on the age and type of MRE.)


MRE's? In an enclosed space? For an extended period?
Time to implement the new Marine Rule of Engagement - no audible farting.
Hopefully they've gotten rid of the "bean component" ones.

MRE's? In an enclosed space? For an extended period?
Time to implement the new Marine Rule of Engagement - no audible farting.
Hopefully they've gotten rid of the "bean component" ones.

The audible ones are usually the ones you need to worry about :wink:

From Fri Aug 26 21:58:30 2011
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2011 21:56:48 -0500
From: Charles N Wyble <>
Subject: Re: New Natural Disaster! 8/27/2011 Hurricane Irene

> Did you have backup tomatoes?

Indeed. Multi gardening is all the rage.

I thought I heard somone muttering about 'hot(house) spares'.

Incompatible with IP though, 'vines' required.

The parking lot was pretty empty.

I've now been at Equinix during a blizzard, a power failure, a tornado,
and a hurricane.

It's very hard to tell one thing from the next. Except the power failure,
because the lights all went out.

Anyways, if the MRE's fail to satisfy, there's a hammer in my toolbox
and a vending machine in the customer silo, for anyone desperate to
avoid cannibalism. :wink: :wink:

... JG

It looks like the DHS, FEMA got this emergency wrong... by the time it got to NYC it was the equivalent of a normal day in Scotland.I live in Scotland...


Except that the reality of the situation is, if the DHS, FEMA, etc
downplayed the severity of this then there would have been an outcry
that they didn't do enough *in addition* to the fact that there would
have been a lot more than just 11 (at last count) deaths as a result.

You have to prepare for the worst.. just like you don't build out a DC
without backup generators just because you don't see the lights in your
house go out that often.

However, on a more technical note, it's good to see the notices trickle
in from the different DCs that everything is all clear and that no power
actually had to be preemptively cut by ConEd in the Lower Manhattan
Financial District.


I'm sure the rest of the East Coast will be particularly appreciative of that sentiment whilst they deal with billions of dollars of damage from the wake of Irene.

It looks like the DHS, FEMA got this emergency wrong... by the time
it got to NYC it was the equivalent of a normal day in Scotland. I
live in Scotland...

I've been to Scotland, and I don't recall this being a daily
occurrence even in the Highlands:




