New Internet Routing Statistics

Elise -

   Gotcha. While the timings won't be exactly exact, we
will take you up on your invitation.


Now if NANOG had a PR flack monitoring the list he would jump up and
propose a press release...

NANOG is pleased to announce that SPRINT has agreed to provide data for
the Routing Arbiter's statistics database. This makes 5 of the 6 major
North American NSP's participating in the project to collect and analyze
statistics on traffic levels through the Internet's core. SPRINT joins
Alternet, MCI, Netcom and (hmmm was AGIS/Net99 on that list??) in
supporting the RA's project to open a window on what type and volume of
traffic is flowing through the core.

This is important because ..... (educational diatribe)

The Internet's core consists of ...... (yet another educational diatribe)

NANOG (North American Network Operators Group) is an informal forum for
NSP's and major customers to share information, problems and solutions
regarding the day to day operation of the Internet. NANOG has quarterly
meetings throughout North America and members keep in touch regularly via
the NANOG mailing list. More info is available at
(I know the URL is wrong, but that could be changed).

Now is this an evil thing?

Find a good excuse, write a short announcement, pad it out to tow or three
pages with educational material that you know the press needs to learn
anyway, provide a URL for them to followup if they want to drill deeper
into the topic...

Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 E-mail:

Now if NANOG had a PR flack monitoring the list he would jump up and
propose a press release...

Thank the godess it doesn't. Well, didn't.

This is an OPERATORS' forum. I am sure there is a marketeers' forum some
place, probably lots of them. Though to judge by the performance of the net
recently, the net might use more operations and less marketing.

This list, which used to be useful to operators FOR PURPOSES OF OPERATIONS
is teetering on the verge uselessness. Can we please move the rah rah,
explanations to non-operators, ... back to com-priv? Please?


Start publishing regular press releases, post them at and to the nanog-announce mailing list and
your problems will be solved. The non-operators will leave nanog to you.

Michael Dillon Voice: +1-604-546-8022
Memra Software Inc. Fax: +1-604-546-3049 E-mail: