New England Fairpoint Issues

Anyone from Fairpoint on this list know of any issues with DSL
subscribers in the New England area?

We lost visibility of our customers using Fairpoint, but I'm still
receiving routes from our peering partners.

Scott Wolfe
Cybera, Inc

Scott Wolfe wrote:

Anyone from Fairpoint on this list know of any issues with DSL
subscribers in the New England area?

In New England, on a Verizon Business T1 (Fairpoint is the ILEC), and we just had some connectivity issues that lasted about 30 min. They seem to be resolved now.


We lost our OC3 to Verizon Business in Boston. All of the BGP routes
were still flowing to us, causing routing black holes. We had to kill
the BGP session on our end.

Our VoIP phone provider, based in Boston also with a Verizon Business
pipe, also had a call queue that was completely stuffed. Not sure if
other providers are affected.

Looks like our sites are back as well.

-Scott W

Thanks for the update.

-Scott W