New Denial of Service Attack on Panix

I am actually fairly serious. The tremendous amount of email this
generated amazes me. With the amount of effort going into that, I
suspect may be 40% or more of the problem could already be alleviated
if people would just go out and coordinate and do it. Yes, it will not
resolve things at the 100th percentile, but what are we optimizing for? A
solution for generations to come? Or something that helps, and that
can perhaps be augmented by some other means, such as spot
measurements (especially for events that last hours).

All reminds me actually a little of the movie Star Trek Generations,
when Picard an Soran were on this planet, about minutes away from the
whole star system being blown to kingdom come, Picard helplessly throwing
little rocks at the shield, and Soran asking him something like "don't
you have anything better to do."

A lot of this coordination is already happening. At least half of North
Americas ISP's have been informed and a substantial number of ISP's in
other countries as well. There are WWW pages documenting the problem and
the fixes although this part could be done better and more systematically.

Some magazine articles have been published or are in progress to explain
source filtering and there are two people writing up a BCP on the topic.

Michael Dillon - ISP & Internet Consulting
Memra Software Inc. - Fax: +1-604-546-3049 - E-mail:

ISP implementing filters for packets with false source addresses.

Why does there need to be co-ordination? Surely most ISPs would implement
this now they know there is a problem and they can fix it.

We just need to put out a request to ISPs

I would suggest this is done directly rather than through 'bodies' such as

Peter Dawe

Hans-Werner Braun said...

I am actually fairly serious. The tremendous amount of email this
generated amazes me. With the amount of effort going into that, I
suspect may be 40% or more of the problem could already be alleviated
if people would just go out and coordinate and do it. Yes, it will not
resolve things at the 100th percentile, but what are we optimizing for? A
solution for generations to come? Or something that helps, and that
can perhaps be augmented by some other means, such as spot
measurements (especially for events that last hours).

All reminds me actually a little of the movie Star Trek Generations,
when Picard an Soran were on this planet, about minutes away from the
whole star system being blown to kingdom come, Picard helplessly throwing
little rocks at the shield, and Soran asking him something like "don't
you have anything better to do."
