New CA Law

Word is Gray Davis signed this law,
today. It seems to be a pretty strong anti-spam bill. Given all
the talk of black lists and DDOS's and the like does anyone think
this will make a difference? Is anyone planning on using the law
to recover damages?

Word is Gray Davis signed [sb186].

that's most unfortunate.

It seems to be a pretty strong anti-spam bill.

it's not.

Given all the talk of black lists and DDOS's and the like does anyone
think this will make a difference? Is anyone planning on using the law
to recover damages?

since this law legitimizes most forms of spam while attempting to
delegitimize only the kinds of spam where you can't get recourse because of
untraceability, it will do far far far more harm than good. the time is
now coming when actions which prevent (or actors who prevent) the forms of
spam which are legitimized in sb186 may be civilly penalizable. OUCH. when
i read heinlein's "magic, inc." i thought there actually had to be underworld
demons in political power before this kind of thing could happen, but i now
see that i completely missed the point of the story.

but like most threads on nanog this week, this one is offtopic.