New BGP noise analysis


I hope this isn't too off topic for you, however I have just come across a new
BGP analysis page (more for the fine people at which provides a
breakdown of the noisiest (in BGP terms) prefixes and AS's.
This seems to be a live analysis of some work presented on at the recent
APRICOT/APNIC conference in Perth.

Hope this provides some valuable info to you.


Stephan Millet
Telstra Internet Direct

Anyone here from

If so please pass that on to your dns folks. It's causing problems for
people who have dns anti cache poisoning enabled.

George Roettger

As a complementary tool, you might want to review the RIPE BGP Hot Spot tool at:

This allows you to track your own ASN and see if you are sending out too many updates.


I've got a customer terminating a McLead and a Sprint DS3 on a single 7507. I'm preparing to break this up into two border routers and I'm a little puzzled by the choice to force router ID to be the IP address of the customer's side of the McLeod DS3. The machine didn't have a loopback when I found it and the configuration shows a lot of BGP book learning and what looks like not much hands on. Is this a requirement for the McLeod side to behave properly? I think not but I'd like to hear it from - this customer is very finicky and I don't want any 'excitement' during the transition.

router bgp 8675309
  no synchronization
  bgp router-id x.y.z.10
  neighbor x.y.z.9 remote-as 7228

interface ATM6/1/0.1 point-to-point
  description Internet PVC to McLeod
  ip address x.y.z.10