New Alert :: Whens the 'Net the target?

Do you think there will be an Internet component to one of these, someday?

(no offense to the poster, someone was bound to post..)

I see this thread getting long and entirely off topic for nanog. I've
setup a list for discussions such as this, and any type of physical attack
(although I guess regular DOS could be on topic) at the
internet infrastruture, as this could go on for a while...
for info.

Let's try and keep nanog more operational?


On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 06:17:09PM -0500, Eric Germann typed:

Some folks have been developing a method for ISPs and the US Government
to exchange warnings and alert information for several months (long
before September 11). One of the functions of the ISP-ISAC includes
passing information which may affect the operations of ISPs. This would
be similar to information already provided to the banking and telephone

My bad, has been off of mx10 forever, guess I forgot to take off of mx20


On Mon, Oct 29, 2001 at 04:28:59PM -0800, Derek J. Balling typed:

and ISP-ISAC has done ..... ? we - our community - have not been very
effective when it comes to "collective organization."

Nothing against the objective of ISP-ISAC (someone in is trying to get me to
put some brain cycles on ISP-ISAC's evolution). The reality is that our
community's history demonstrates that collective ISP work through any group
is hard.

and ISP-ISAC has done ..... ? we - our community - have not been very
effective when it comes to "collective organization."

Since IOPS and folks are still trying to get the organization bylaws
finalized, not much.

Nothing against the objective of ISP-ISAC (someone in is trying to get me to
put some brain cycles on ISP-ISAC's evolution). The reality is that our
community's history demonstrates that collective ISP work through any group
is hard.

I agree. But I'd rather set up a sacrificial neck for the government to
wring instead of letting the beaucrats pick one at random.

I agree. But I'd rather set up a sacrificial neck for the government to
wring instead of letting the beaucrats pick one at random.

couldn't think of a better one than IOPS, years of hot air and doing
nothing real.


Randy Bush wrote:

> I agree. But I'd rather set up a sacrificial neck for the government to
> wring instead of letting the beaucrats pick one at random.

couldn't think of a better one than IOPS, years of hot air and doing
nothing real.


Don't worry - the authorities themselves will find the goat and hang it !

At random !

Bigger is better - here they went after Compuserve at the time.

They only need one !

Been there, experienced that. No idea what IOPS is but is sounds so familiar
to similar experiences here. That's BTW about 5 years ago.

Some of us in certain parts of Europe (DE) went through this a few years
ago - at least we had a good lawyer here to follow, track the stuff they
were at and finally convince the equivalent of your highest big DA
(apologies - forgot the US terminology right now) to a) forget the
simplistic approach b) to accept a consensus of what was technically

To my own surprise it worked............after a few goats got hung..
Needless to say it cost time, effort and money and a lot of suffering
for some individuals.

What's my point; one can only ingore the law, be it good or bad, so long
but at the end as an *SP (broadly defined) regardless of where on the
planet you operate, you will have to try to conform. But - you need an
org. of some sort to articulate what is possible and not - go for it !

Or a good lobby group....


I hope ISP-ISAC will be a useful organization for operators. We
are trying to include the functions operators said they needed.

If you are an operator, and you think there is an information sharing
piece which would make it a useful organization, join us. Tell us
what you want. Kelly's presentation and links are on the NANOG web

On the other hand, if the ISP-ISAC serves no other purpose than keeping
the M.I.B. from bothering network operators unecessarily, it may be
worth it.

Those are all good ideas, and I expect we'll get the same response
as before. The usual suspects will join the effort.

How about something no commercial provider can accomplish on their

How about an industry coordination center for diesel fuel oil delivery
during a national emergency? Would your management be willing to pay
$10,000/year membership in an organization which coordinated with local
and federal authorities to make timely deliveries to all the critical
communication facilities in a restricted area during an emergency?