networking podcasts

There are quite a few Juniper ones[0], though they take the format of a tutorial rather than a discursive/magazine format though, which is OK, but not what I want when driving. :slight_smile:

There's a tool called 'Handbrake' for the Mac which can be used to re-encode the nanog (and other meeting) video downloads to a format suitable for the iPhone/iPod/iPad. This is quite good for flights/trains.


[0] Example =, some others are linked from the bottom of this page,

No I'm not talking about the "JUNOS as a Switching/Security Language"
Podcasts - you are certainly right, those are more along the lines of
tutorials. The ones I was referring to was a series called J-Net
Perspectives and they had decent coverage of topics like High Availability,
Multicast VPNs, and VPLS to name a few with the likes of Pedro Marques,
Lenny Giuliano, and some other Juniper notables. See the URL below for the
iTunes links...

Stefan Fouant