Networking Pearl Harbor in the Making

Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 14:15:40 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Edward B. Dreger" <>
Subject: Re: Networking Pearl Harbor in the Making

> Date: Mon, 7 Nov 2005 14:43:54 -0600 (CST)
> From: Robert Bonomi

> Re-coding to eliminate all 'possible' buffer overflow situations is a *big*
> job. The required field-length checking for every multi-byte copy/move
> operation does have a significant negative impact on performance, as well.

Getting "owned" can also have a significant negative impact on
performance. Of course, maybe the attacker will be benevolent, so
perhaps all will be okay...

Correctness before speed. Who wants a machine that just gives bad
results faster?

"Upgrades" or 'fixes' that cause a machine to run noticably _slower_ than
the 'down-rev' machine are a really good way to alienate customers. Especially
thosw whose machines are running at nearly 100% capacity before the "upgrade".

If there is a way to render the matter 'harmless' -without- the performance
hit of the 'do it in the theoretically correct manner', *and* that 'defanging'
solution can be delivered in weeks (vs. -years-, for a 'theoretically correct'
approach), there is _clear_benefit_ to taking the 'incorrect' route. Benefit
that accrues both to the manufacturer _and_ to the CUSTOMERS.

> Merely _identifying_ the 'tainted' (by being in contact -- directly or in-
> directly -- with 'user-supplied' data) data-structures is a task measured
> in man-years. As is isolating _all_ the points where such tainting occurs.

Sounds like a pretty good argument for "do it right the first time".

"Irrelevant", when the subject under discussion is pre-existing code that
is _known_ to have (at least one) buffer-overflow problem. "Do it right
the first time" is a _really_ difficult target, when the consensus as to
what 'do it right' *means* has changed _since_ the code in question was
first written. <wry grin>

I'll also quote:
   "In any application, discovered bugs are finite in number,
    UNDISCOVERED BUGS, however, are, by definition _infinite_ in number."

> Then, and only then, can you begin to -plan- how to remove the taint, whether
> by sanity-based bounds-checking, 'clipping' to known limits, explicit length
> checks, or whatever else is appropriate.

Hopefully the code is modular. e.g., running cscope and searching for
strcpy(3) invocations is easier than tracking down implemented-in-place

*snicker* _That_ only addresses one small subset of the underlying problem.

strncpy() and/or memcpy() can also corrupt memory -- when the 'length' param
is larger than the receiving field, for example. This can happen, for example,
when the 'length' is taken 'on faith' from user input, and not validated.

Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 11:03:44 -0600 (CST)
From: Robert Bonomi

"Upgrades" or 'fixes' that cause a machine to run noticably _slower_ than
the 'down-rev' machine are a really good way to alienate customers. Especially
thosw whose machines are running at nearly 100% capacity before the "upgrade".

True, but saying "sorry, there's no fix for this vulnerability" doesn't
win many points, either. Given a choice between "no fix" and "may need
new hardware", which would you choose?

If there is a way to render the matter 'harmless' -without- the performance
hit of the 'do it in the theoretically correct manner', *and* that 'defanging'
solution can be delivered in weeks (vs. -years-, for a 'theoretically correct'
approach), there is _clear_benefit_ to taking the 'incorrect' route. Benefit
that accrues both to the manufacturer _and_ to the CUSTOMERS.

Definitely. If there is not such a way... then what?

"Irrelevant", when the subject under discussion is pre-existing code that
is _known_ to have (at least one) buffer-overflow problem. "Do it right
the first time" is a _really_ difficult target, when the consensus as to
what 'do it right' *means* has changed _since_ the code in question was
first written. <wry grin>

It's relevant in the sense of learning from the past. I agree that,
operationally, one could make comments about barns and horses that have

If "do it right" has changed, does that mean "correctness" did not
originally include "do not allow non-trustworthy input to alter
behavior"? If this is so, then the original definitions were

> Hopefully the code is modular. e.g., running cscope and searching for
> strcpy(3) invocations is easier than tracking down implemented-in-place
> equivalents.

*snicker* _That_ only addresses one small subset of the underlying problem.

Very good. Quick grammar lesson: "e.g." stands for _exempli gratia_,
meaning "for example". One could reasonably conclude that I was giving
one example rather than attempting a comprehensive coverage of all

strncpy() and/or memcpy() can also corrupt memory -- when the 'length' param
is larger than the receiving field, for example. This can happen, for example,
when the 'length' is taken 'on faith' from user input, and not validated.

Of course. Let's dispense with the straw man, though. My point was
that, hopefully, code is written in a way that lends itself to quick
searching. In no way did I say "using strncmp() is the ultimate answer
to all security vulnerabilities". To claim such would be asinine.
