Network Value

The BGP peering issues that have recently come up really
come directly from a disagreement about what constitutes network
value. I think by now we all realize that peering is a sort of
quid pro quo, where both parties get some value from the deal.
Traditionally, this was an easy thing to assess. Large backbone
providers tend to have a a nice mix of dial-up users, content
providers, and everything in between. Measuring the "value" they
bring to the table could easily be qualified by a traffic study.

  In the brave new world this isn't the case. One can easily
argue that a dial-up only provider and a content hoster should
peer. Each brings value to the relationship, but the traffic
distribution will be highly asymmetrical. In this situation what
metrics do you use to assess the value of the peering arrangement?
Is there a good metric like number of users, or number of flows
that you can use to measure value? Does value have to be something
that only a human can determine with lots of subjective measures?

  Has anyone tried to qualify the value of a network for such
purposes? I'd be interested to know the details about that process.
If you are able to find a value, can you then move to a "price /
performance" ratio by determining the cost of the peering session?
I suspect this is more difficult to determine than the wealth of
the network, at least over shared peering points where the direct
cost for a single peer is not a line item.

  Possibly the most difficult question of all, is there any
value to everyone using the same metrics? Ignore the problems with
creating a suitable metric, but if one existed that ranked all
providers from say, 1-10, do you think it would have a positive or
negative effect on peering arrangements?

  I welcome public and private discussion, but hope to avoid
any current issues (for fear of a flame war). :slight_smile:

Value involves money so that is the best metric. Do the backbone customers
pay money for access? Do the web hosting customers pay money for access?
Yes in both cases so the problem is reduced to engineering the best
network to supply that quality of access that the customers have paid for.
Maybe GTEI sees itself as a bargain basement cheap low quality provider
and wants to dominate that market niche?

The "value" of traffic exchanged is going to take a back seat to clout. In
other words, when a $30 billion company with 20 million customers (for
example) is negotiating with a $250 million company with 5000 customers
one of them is going to be able to dictate terms to the other, and the
actual value of the traffic measured in a vacuum (i.e. NANOG) will most
likely be irrelevant.

Contrary to the altruistic opinion of many, the end game for this industry
subject to unfettered free market capitalism isn't pretty. The natural
tendency of large cap companies in the absence of regulation is merger.
As those companies consolidate, you can expect the backroom negotiation
with other companies to become very heavy handed.

Ignoring market capitalization for a moment, and instead assume Internet
clout is measured by number of leased line customers, dialup ports, or
traffic volume.

BBN is initiating/facilitating a trend that most likely has them at a
disadvantage since they are a minority market share holder by any of those

One can only asume that GTE figures they will be much bigger in future and
will gain their rightful position in the heirarchy. heh.

Value has nothing to do with it and is almost pointless to talk about,
except perhaps to network operators concerned about delivering the best
service to their customers.


  The BGP peering issues that have recently come up really
come directly from a disagreement about what constitutes network
value. I think by now we all realize that peering is a sort of
quid pro quo, where both parties get some value from the deal.
Traditionally, this was an easy thing to assess. Large backbone
providers tend to have a a nice mix of dial-up users, content
providers, and everything in between. Measuring the "value" they
bring to the table could easily be qualified by a traffic study.

  In the brave new world this isn't the case. One can easily
argue that a dial-up only provider and a content hoster should
peer. Each brings value to the relationship, but the traffic
distribution will be highly asymmetrical. In this situation what
metrics do you use to assess the value of the peering arrangement?
Is there a good metric like number of users, or number of flows
that you can use to measure value? Does value have to be something
that only a human can determine with lots of subjective measures?

  Has anyone tried to qualify the value of a network for such
purposes? I'd be interested to know the details about that process.
If you are able to find a value, can you then move to a "price /
performance" ratio by determining the cost of the peering session?
I suspect this is more difficult to determine than the wealth of
the network, at least over shared peering points where the direct
cost for a single peer is not a line item.

  Possibly the most difficult question of all, is there any
value to everyone using the same metrics? Ignore the problems with
creating a suitable metric, but if one existed that ranked all
providers from say, 1-10, do you think it would have a positive or
negative effect on peering arrangements?

  I welcome public and private discussion, but hope to avoid
any current issues (for fear of a flame war). :slight_smile:

Leo Bicknell -
Network Engineer (CCIE #3440) - Dimension Enterprises
1-703-709-7500, fax, 1-703-709-7699

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