Network Storage

Hello Everyone,

Can you please comment on what is best solution for storing network
traffic. We have been graciously granted access by our network
administrator to capture traffic but the one Tera byte disk space is
no match with the data that we are seeing, so it fills up quickly. We
can't get additional space on the server itself so I am looking for
some external solutions. Can you please suggest something that would
be best for Gbps speeds .


Depends on the duration and goals of your capture...

1TB is 2.276 hours at 1Gb/s

If you need to capture it all and store it forever well sorry. If you
just need the flows and not the packets sampled netflow can reduce
youre requirements by many orders of magnitude, ultimately it really
depends on your goals. if you need to capture more data for a shorter
duration probably write speed rather than capcity is the issue 20Gb/s is
2.5GB/s which requires a pretty healthy disk array to write to disk...

  Do you need to capture the whole packet, including the payload? You
will save a lot of space by just capturing the headers. For example,
tcpdump doesn't capture the whole packet by default anyway. You may not
be able to capture at line rate anyway depending on what you are using
to capture with (drivers, libraries, software, etc). See the -s option
in tcpdump man page for info.

Good luck,

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

1) My goal is to store the traffic may be fore ever, and analyze it in
the future for security related incidents detected by ids/ips.

2) I am storing just header and initial few bytes but still it gets
filled up quite quickly.

3) Netflow approach is nice but I also want to have traces available
for reasons mentioned in 1).

4) Are there any issues having an external storage as a solution for
this problem.


You'll need to build an array that'll random read/write upwards of 200MB/s if you want to get a semi-reliable capture to disk. That means SSD if you're very rich, or many spindles (preferably 15k's) in a stripe/ raid10 if you're building from your scrap pile. Bear in mind that write cache won't help you, as the io isn't going to be bursty, rather a continuous stream.

Another great help is scoping what you're looking for and pre-processing before writing out only the 'interesting' bits, thus reducing the io requirement. It does depend what you're trying to do, as headers can be adequate for many applications.

Aligning your partitions with the physical disk geometry can produce surprising speedups, as can stripe block size changes, but that's generally empirical, and depends on your workload.

In that case, just keep adding disks to you capture system, or use a NAS to do it.


If he's got a gigabit of traffic, he's going to be adding another shelf of 12 1T
drives to that NAS - every day. If he gets the high-density shelves with 60 drives,
he's only adding one a week.

He's going to have to work smarter, not harder.

He did indicate he's only storing the headers and a few bytes, not the full payload.


If this is just for post analysis and you have another system (IDS) to identify the timeframe,
a tape based system might be a better approach, esp if you want to retain forever.
Maybe "Library LTFS"

1) My goal is to store the traffic may be fore ever, and analyze it in
the future for security related incidents detected by ids/ips.

Take a look at "Building a Time Machine for Efficient Recording and
Retrieval of High-Volume Network Traffic"

more in-line...

Thank you very much for your suggestions.

1) My goal is to store the traffic may be fore ever, and analyze it in
the future for security related incidents detected by ids/ips.

The poor man's way to do this is to use the space you have and use the
-C and -W options in tcpdump. You have as much history as you have disk
space. Maybe make 500M files, and a count of 1800 to use 900G of disk
space. When you have an event, you copy off the files that are relevant
to the time period of the events, to a workstation. Another option is -G
for rotating the files by time instead of size.

2) I am storing just header and initial few bytes but still it gets
filled up quite quickly.

You can use the -z option to gzip compress the files to save space.
However, I don't know how this will affect your disk io... will it be
fast enough to keep up with the writing of the raw data and doing a
concurrent gzip of the last file. If you have enough hardware
performance, but are limited on space, then it's worth a shot.

3) Netflow approach is nice but I also want to have traces available
for reasons mentioned in 1).

4) Are there any issues having an external storage as a solution for
this problem.

There is also some advice in the man page for tcpdump regarding the -z
option. You can write a shell script that takes the capture file as the
only argument, to do other stuff you want done... in this case, copy the
file off to another drive. It could be a network location too... of
course, don't forget to not capture *that* traffic (feedback!).

Hello Everyone,

Can you please comment on what is best solution for storing network
traffic. We have been graciously granted access by our network
administrator to capture traffic but the one Tera byte disk space is
no match with the data that we are seeing, so it fills up quickly. We
can't get additional space on the server itself so I am looking for
some external solutions. Can you please suggest something that would
be best for Gbps speeds .

I have done this two ways in the past, first is the simple way, LSI raid card with lots of disks and some nice 10 gig capture cards. The 2nd way is to use Gluster, over a large number of hosts with infiniband connecting them together.


Nathan Stratton
nathan at

You can also look at a machine like this:

Jared Mauch

You'll need to build an array that'll random read/write upwards of 200MB/s if you
want to get a semi-reliable capture to disk. That means SSD if you're very rich, or many spindles

Hey, Saving packet captures to file is a ~98% asynchronous write, 2%
read; ~95% sequential activity. And maybe you think about applying
some variant of header compression to the packets during capture, to
trade a little CPU and increased RAM requirements for storage

The format used by PCAP and saving raw packet header bits directly to
disk is not necessarily among the most I/O or space efficient on disk
storage formats to pick.

Random writes should only occur if you are saving your captures to a
fragmented file system, which is not recommended; avoiding
fragmentation is important. Random reads aren't involved for
archiving data, only for analyzing it.

Do you make random reads into your saved capture files? Possibly
you're more likely to be doing a sequential scan, even during
analysis; random reads imply you have already indexed a dataset and
you are seeking a smaller number of specific records, to collect
information about them.

Read requirements are totally dependent on your analysis workload,
e.g. Table scan vs Index search. Depending on what the analysis is,
it may make sense to even make extra filtered copies of the data,
using more disk space, in order to avoid a random access pattern.

If you are building a database of analysis results from raw data, you
can and use a separate random IO optimized disk subsystem for the
stats database.

If you really need approximately 200 MB/s with some random read
performance for analysis, you should probably be looking at building
a RAID50 with several 4-drive sets and 1gb+ of writeback cache.

RAID10 makes more sense in situations where write requirements are not
sequential, when external storage is actually shared with multiple
applications, or when there is a requirement for a disk drive failure
to be truly transparent, but there is a huge capacity sacrifice in
choosing mirroring over parity.

There is a Time vs Cost tradeoff with regards to the analysis of the data.

When your 'analysis tools' start reading data, the reads increase
the disk access time, and therefore reduce write performance;
therefore the reads should be throttled, the higher the capacity the
disk subsystem, the higher the cost.

Performing your analysis ahead of time via pre-caching, or at least
indexing newly captured data in small chunks on a continuous basis may
be useful, to minimize the amount of searching of the raw dataset
later. A small SSD or separate mirrored drive pair for that
function, would avoid adding load to the "raw capture storage"
disk system, if your analysis requirements are amenable to that

Modern OSes cache some recent filesystem data in RAM. So if the
server capturing data has sufficient SDRAM, analyzing data while
it's still hot in the page cache, and saving that analysis in an
efficient index for later use, can be useful.

(preferably 15k's) in a stripe/ raid10 if you're building from your scrap pile. Bear in mind that write >cache won't help you, as the io isn't going to be bursty, rather a continuous stream.

Not really... A good read cache is more important for the analysis,
but Efficient write cache on your array and OS page cache is still
highly beneficial, especially because it can ensure that your RAID
subsystem is performing full stripe writes, for maximal efficiency of
sequential write activity, and it can delay the media write until the
optimal moment based on platter position, and sequence the read/write

as long as the performance of the storage system behind the cache is
such that the storage system can on average successfully drain the
cache at a faster rate than you can fill it with data a sufficient
amount of the time, the write cache serves an important function.

  Your I/O may be a continuous stream, but there are most certainly
variations and spikes in the rate of packets and the performance of
mechanical disk drives.

Aligning your partitions with the physical disk geometry can produce surprising speedups, as can >stripe block size changes, but that's generally empirical, and depends on your workload.

For RAID systems partitions should absolutely be aligned if the OS
install defaults don't align them correctly; on a modern OS, the
defaults are normally OK. Having an unaligned or improperly aligned
partition is just a misconfiguration; A track crossing for every
other sector read is an easy way of doubling the size of small I/Os.

You won't notice with this particular use case when you are writing
large blocks, you're writing a 100Mb chunk, asynchronously, you
won't notice a 63kB difference, it's less than .0001% of your
transfer size; this is primarily a concern during analysis or
database searching which may involve small random reads and small
synchronous random writes.

In other words, you will probably get away just ignoring partition
alignment and filesystem block size,
so there are other aspects of the configuration to be more concerned about

Storage capable of keeping up with 10G/20G packet capture doesn't have to
be extremely expensive...

We build this with a commodity host, multiple 10G, multiple SAS HBAs each
attached to a JBOD enclosure of at least 36 4TB 7.2k commodity sata3 disks.
In our configuration, this delivers 58 TB per JBOD enclosure. Properly
tuned, and with a little commodity SSD cache, it delivers synchronous
sequential reads and writes over 2.5GB/sec, (and incredible random speeds
which I can't recall off the top of my head) and all for under $25k.

It could yield less or much more, depending on your redundancy/striping
choices. Run out of room? Fill another JBOD shelf for ~18k.

You could opt for lower parity than we did, or fewer stripes. Either one
would stretch the space out by quite a bit. (At least 20 TB.) I didn't want
to be constantly changing drives out, however.

In terms of tools, something shiny that I've not had a chance to play
with yet that is designed for this is Security Onion, which is an Ubuntu
based linux distribution that groups a bunch of tools for doing this
sort of thing.

In a message written on Thu, Apr 12, 2012 at 05:16:27PM -0400, Maverick wrote:

1) My goal is to store the traffic may be fore ever, and analyze it in
the future for security related incidents detected by ids/ips.

Let's just assume you have enough disk space that you can write out
every packet, or even just packet header. That's a hard problem,
but you've received plenty of suggestions on how to go down that

Once you have that data, how are you going to process it?

Yes, disk reads are faster than disk writes, but not by that much.
If it takes you 24 hours to write a day of data to disk, it might
take you 12 hours just to read it all back off and process it.
Processing a weeks worth of back data could take days. I'm also
not even starting to count the CPU and memory necessary to build
state tables and statistical analysis tables to generate useful

There's a reason why most network traffic tools summarize early,
as early as on the network device when using Netflow type collection.
It's not just to save storage space on disk, but it's to make the
processing of the data fast enough that it can be done in a short
enough time that the data is still relevant when the processing is

Just FYI, it's somewhat of a tossup on large large arrays with 3.5"
and 2.5" models. Equivalent 3.5" units hold 36-48 HDDs, and drive
sizes for enterprise SAS drives are 3 TB in 3.5" vs 1 TB in 2.5" now,
so you get more per box with 3.5" drives. Also a lot cheaper in the

About six months ago I purchased two similar boxes for nearline
backups purposes (lower bandwidth) with 3.5" drives; 34 x 3 TB plus a
couple of much faster 2.5" 15k boot drives,
post-RAID-10-and-hotspare-and-filesystem usable space was about 42 TB.
About $22k each. One can go somewhat cheaper than that but the VAR
had a good support story and "just fixed it" the next day when a RAID
card model didn't quite work out.

If you want something from a Tier1 the new Dell R720XD's will take 24x 900GB SAS disks and have 16 cores. If you order it with a SAS6-HBA you can add up to 8 trays of 24 x 900GB SAS disks to provide 194TB of raw space at quite a reasonable cost.

Alternatively, you could have a couple of "probe" servers connected to some nice fast SAN backend with redundant controllers. This will provide failover at the probe and storage levels but will cost a fair bit more :slight_smile:



Andrew Thrift writes:

If you want something from a Tier1 the new Dell R720XD's will take 24x
900GB SAS disks

or 12x 2TB 3.5" cheap & slow SATA disks
or 12x 3TB 3.5" more expensive & slightly faster SAS disks

- if you take the (cheaper) 3.5"-disk variant of the R720xd chassis.

or 12x 3TB 3.5" cheap&slow SATA disks if you buy them directly rather
than from Dell. (Presumably you'd have to buy Dell "hot-swap trays")