Network Simulation and Measurement Software

I hate html mail.

18 months ago, I asked about network modeling software and everyone
pointed me to WANDL. It is an interesting package. Everyone had
their set of gripes with it, but it seemed to be the best available.
I changed jobs shortly afterwards, and didn't get to do much with it.

I need to evaluate what is out there in regards to

Just use pine, text is always safe.


I hate html mail.

18 months ago, I asked about network modeling software and everyone
pointed me to WANDL. It is an interesting package.

yes, but not exactly freeware :slight_smile:

If you are prepared to go down that path ($10's-100K), there are
also some others, OpNet, etc.

A good place to look for network tools is the CAIDA taxonomy
(maybe it will save you time from publishing your own web page):
