Network Research

Hello everyone,

I am performing some research on networking at present and want the
input of the community and industry at large. I have created a small
on-line survey and would be very grateful to anyone that could give 3
minutes to fill it out. You will be benefiting networking research so
I'm sure you are all wanting to participate;

The survey is here:

All results will be anonymised when published.

If you want a copy of the anonymised results, or have any queries
about the research or the survey, please email me off-list to save
on-list noise.

Kind regards,

P.S. Apologies if you are on multiple mailing lists and receive this
email multiple times!

Hello everyone,

I am performing some research on networking at present and want the
input of the community and industry at large. I have created a small
on-line survey and would be very grateful to anyone that could give 3
minutes to fill it out. You will be benefiting networking research so

Networking "research" for which organization?

I'm sure you are all wanting to participate;

The survey is here:

All results will be anonymised when published.

Published how and where and for what purpose?


Networking "research" for which organization?

I am currently undertaking a research project for a masters degree in
advanced networking, with The Open University, in the UK. I am
researching for no company. I intend to conduct the research as part
of my dissertation, then upload my dissertation containing the
research results, for all and sundry to freely read and distribute (if
it interests them!). Hopefully it will, and more importantly, I hope
it will be beneficial to someone, and an educational read.

All results will be anonymised when published.

Published how and where and for what purpose?

In its simplest form, I will upload the the dissertation to the
Internet and send the link round, so that anyone who wants to, can,
read it. "Published" Is the wrong word there I suppose, as in research
terms "published" often means published in a journal article, for
example. I simply meant "published" as in "realising the
information", "disseminating it to the general populous". Although, I
will be trying to find someone to publish it it in the true sense,
although I'm not counting my chickens (if anyone is interested, drop
me an email off-list).
