Network performance monitoring tools


Could anyone recommend a free performance monitoring tool ?
I am already using smokeping the best tool provides delay, packet loss and graphical delay variation and so on.
But, additionally I would like to periodically measure the jitter of multi destinations.

Best regards

��ġ�� <> writes:

Could anyone recommend a free performance monitoring tool ? I am
already using smokeping the best tool provides delay, packet loss
and graphical delay variation and so on. But, additionally I would
like to periodically measure the jitter of multi destinations.

Are you by any chance the person who inquired on IRC a few days ago
about testing this for IPTV multicast?


Jitter (e.g. variability in one way or rtt) smokeping is rather good at

The question is do you want to instrument the phenomena through active
measurement as smokeping is doing or do you have some application (e.g.
streaming media as an example) that you'd like to instrument because the
later may be more descriptive of the overall service experience with
that application...

정치영 wrote:

OpenNMS has a good tool called Strafeping that is based on Smokeping that is integrated into the overall system.