Network Map Generator

I'm looking for a product or script that will let us generate a network map for use in conjunction with Nagios. We have all of the parent/child dependencies defined in a SQL table, as well as the current status, but I can only find programs that will create a live map on my desktop. I also looked at the graphing Pear module, but it seems that it cannot generate an org-chart type map of the network.

Anyone know of something that will generate an org-chart like network map dynamically?


Joe Johnson

Depends how fancy you want it to be. You can get a static map easily using at&t's graphviz tools (dot):

There's even WebDot so you can make the nodes clickable, though I haven't tried that. Dot is about as simple to use as anything that exists. Sometimes you'll be annoyed by the way it lays things out, but it works. Hope I interpreted your question correctly.


Depends on how fancy you want -- you could probably use Konfabulator to
just display the stock network maps straight from Nagios.

Andrew Cruse

Anyone know of something that will generate an org-chart like network map dynamically?

Intermapper <;

Don't know where it breaks in terms of scale, but it is an interesting tool.

Depends how fancy you want it to be. You can get a static
map easily
using at&t's graphviz tools (dot):


This may just work. I'll have to pass it on for it to be looked into.

Mainly, the problem is that the default Nagios network map is not scalable
to a large network (3000+ hosts). The size of the map and the limited
layout of the screen causes major issues (and loads very slowly).

I'm looking more for something that will let me create either a cascading
down tree format of the network, or as a drill-down map with major
components on the main screen and dependencies available by clicking on the
parent. For that, I just need a dynamic org-chart type component that will
let me generate the views based on parent-child dependencies. Anyone know
of something down those lines, instead?


Joe Johnson

GPL. Produces heirarchical drill-down style maps, highlights packet
loss, congestion, unreachability, etc.

  - mark