Network Inventory Tool


Does anyone known some tool for network documentation with:

  • inventory (cards, serial numbers, manufactor…)
  • documentation (configurations, software version control, etc)
  • topology building (L2, L3… connections, layer control, …)

All-in-one solution and It don’t need to be free. I’m just looking
for some thing to control the equipments we have like routers
from some sort of suppliers, etc…


If you don't succeed in finding an all-in-one, vendor-neutral solution which does precisely what you want straight out of the box (and don't feel bad if so, since many have failed before you) there are some clues for rolling your own here:


Excel or any opensoure version of it seems to do the job just fine for
us... And you can massage the data any way you want!


I have not tried it, but this looks promising.

Hope this helps

Does anyone known some tool for network documentation with:

- inventory (cards, serial numbers, manufactor...)
- documentation (configurations, software version control, etc)
- topology building (L2, L3.. connections, layer control, ...)

We've been using a modelling tool called WANDL which does a lot of this.
It imports router configs and the output of various show commands to
build a network model along with a lot of inventory info. If you give it
the geographic coordinates of all your devices (simple script) then it
will draw nice topology maps which you can color to show hot circuits.
There are tons of reports and reporting options including a number of
integrity checks that can show you where you have undefined routemaps or
unused ACLS, etc.

Although it can do discovery, we don't use that because we are more
interested in capacity planning. All the model info is stored in text
files so it is relatively easy to tweak it, modify it with scripts to
add tags to the maps, and so on.

--Michael Dillon