Network Gear Seismic Tolerances

I’ve been living and working in earthquake country for many years. The primary focus I’ve always encountered for network gear is to make sure it is properly secured to the racks and the racks properly secured to the building (and hope the building is well secured).

I’m working on a project now where we’re doing seismic isolation for the servers. I think the main concern there is spinning disks. The cabinets are effectively “floating,” well, rolling really, on the data center floor. There are various vendor solutions for this. Of course, the network gear living up close and personal with the servers is along for the ride. That’s all fine. I don’t think it’s a problem for the network gear.

But now there are people with the idea that seismic isolation is the technology we need for all of our electronics, down to network gear in IDRs. I am trying to find any real information about this, but Google-fu is not producing results for me. I asked some of our vendor sales people, they said they’d get back, but never did. I don’t know if shake tolerances is something published for your typical data center and campus network gear.

Anyone have some best practice info from some reliable sources or seen any shake tolerance data for network gear?

Look at marine equipment specs. They define vibration tolerances quite well. Not my specialty, but I had brief exposure one time.

Tim McKee

It's a standard spec many vendors will provide, an example from
random(ish) selected device -

Vibration Operating: 0.41Grms from 3 to 500Hz with spectral break
points of 0.0005 G2/Hz at 10Hz and 200Hz 5dB /octave roll off at each end.
