NetSol / WorldNIC nameservers continue to be down, for a couple days.

Does anyone have any contact at NetSol / WorldNIC?

Their nameservers (all hundred+ of them) have been down or severely degraded in service over the last 48 hours. TTLs are starting to expire and the only evidence we've found that NETSOL is aware is this thread:

Is there anyone here who can provide an update to the ISPs and SPs on this list? NetSol still (amazingly) manages to do DNS for a few hundred thousand domains...


Does anyone have any contact at NetSol / WorldNIC?


    > Their nameservers (all hundred+ of them) have been down or severely
    > degraded in service over the last 48 hours.

Yes, they're very well aware of it. They've been under very large-scale
UDP/53 DDoS for that period of time. They're continuing to work the


I'm counting a whole lot more than that.

I see 1.9 _million_ domains in .com alone.

Altho, I just tested a random-ish sample of 1,000 of them and got sub-75msec
response times, so, the issues may be resolved.

In either case , sounds like they need to rock UltraDNS, eh? :stuck_out_tongue:
